Engineering / Law - 4776
This Program is no longer accepting new enrolments
Program Summary
Faculty: Faculty of Law
Contact: http://www.law.unsw.edu.au
Campus: Sydney
Career: Undergraduate
Typical Duration: 6 Years
Typical UOC Per Semester: 24
Min UOC Per Semester: 6
Max UOC Per Semester: 24
Min UOC For Award: 288
International Entry Requirements: See International Entry Requirements
Bachelor of Engineering (Major)
Bachelor of Laws (Major)
Information valid for students commencing 2013.
Students who commenced prior to 2013 should go to the Handbook's Previous Editions
Program Description
Prospective students and students commencing from 2013 should go to 4778 Engineering/Law.
The Bachelor of Laws degree may be combined with a Bachelor of Engineering majoring in Aerospace Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Industrial Chemistry, Manufacturing Engineering and Management, Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronic Engineering, Mining Engineering, Naval Architecture, Petroleum Engineering, Photonics Engineering, Photovoltaics and Solar Energy Engineering, Renewable Energy Engineering, Surveying and Spatial Information Systems or Telecommunications.
Please note: This degree is not offered in Bioinformatics and Software Engineering.
The program is intended for potential engineers who wish to become more aware of legal and social aspects of the engineering profession, and skilled in technical management, or potential legal practitioners who wish to add a strong technical dimension to their education and training.
This is a six year full-time combined degree program leading to the award of the two degrees of Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Laws (BE/LLB).
Assumed Knowledge
A prescribed standard in mathematics for entry to the Faculty of Engineering and to individual courses in that faculty. Further details are available in the UAC Guide.
Transferring Engineering Majors (Plans)
Student must nominate an engineering major (plan code) at enrolment. Subsequent transfers to another engineering major may be possible subject to the approval of both Faculties.
(i) A student who completes the requirements for both the BE and LLB degrees shall receive at graduation a separate testamur for each of the degrees.
(ii) A student may apply to discontinue the combined BE LLB program and elect to complete the BE degree in accordance with all of the rules governing award of that degree. Following discontinuation of the combined BE LLB program, courses which count toward that program will not in general count toward the single BE degree unless they meet the single degree requirements in their own right.
(iii) A student will not be eligible to graduate from the LLB until requirements for both the BE and the LLB have been satisfied.
Program Objectives and Graduate Attributes
Program Structure
- Law compulsory courses - 92 UOC
- Law elective courses - 52 UOC
- Engineering courses - 144UOC
- Total 288 UOC
Students must study engineering courses in a sequence approved by the Faculty of Engineering and law courses in a sequence approved by the Faculty of Law. Approved sequences are given below; other sequences may be approved under special circumstances.
(a) Engineering - from the consolidated course schedule in the Faculty of Engineering:
at most 48 units of credit of Level 1 Engineering courses, and
at least 18 units of credit of Level 4 or higher Engineering courses,
at least 60 days of approved Industrial Training for the BE degree.
(b) Law
92 UOC of law compulsory courses
52 UOC of law electives
Note: The program structure for the law component is essentially the same for each specialisation.
- AEROA14776 - Aerospace Engineering
- CEICA14776 - Chemical Engineering
- CVENA14776 - Civil Engineering (previously program 4775)
- COMPA14776 - Computer Engineering
- ELECA14776 - Electrical Engineering
- CVENB14776 - Environmental Engineering (previously program 4777)
- CEICB14776 - Industrial Chemistry
- LAWSA14776 - Law
- MANFA14776 - Manufacturing Engineering and Management
- MECHA14776 - Mechanical Engineering
- MTRNA14776 - Mechatronic Engineering
- MINEA14776 - Mining Engineering
- NAVLA14776 - Naval Architecture
- PETRA14776 - Petroleum Engineering
- PHTNA14776 - Photonics Engineering
- SOLAA14776 - Photovoltaics and Solar Energy Engineering
- SOLAB14776 - Renewable Energy Engineering
- GMATA14776 - Surveying and Spatial Information Systems
- TELEA14776 - Telecommunications
General Education Requirements
In the Bachelor of Engineering degree programs, honours are awarded for meritorious performance over the degree program with special attention paid to a candidate's performance in the final year courses and thesis project, please see link to Honours Policy.
Honours Class 1
Honours Class 2, Division 1
Honours Class 2, Division 2
To be awarded Honours in Law, students are not required to complete an additional year. Honours in Law is based on academic excellence throughout the degree. There are three criteria relevant for awarding Honours:
• Honours Weighted Average Mark (WAM)
Honours WAM will be calculated using the WAM from core courses as 60 percent of the Honours WAM and the WAM from the prescribed elective courses as 40 percent of Honours WAM.
• Satisfactory performance in written research
To demonstrate satisfactory performance in written research, a student must complete one long substantial piece (i.e. research thesis) or three shorter substantial pieces of research (i.e. 3000 words or more) in their program that is awarded a credit or more.
• Not been found guilty of plagiarism or serious misconduct on more than one occasion and not more than one failure in the law program
For more information, please visit http://www.law.unsw.edu.au/Current_Students/honours/index.asp
Academic Rules
For Academic Rules relating to the Bachelor of Laws component of this combined degree program, please refer to program 4701. Although 4701 program is no longer on offer, all combined law students enrolled in the LLB will need to comply with the rules stated here.
A direct link is given below:
Bachelor of Laws 4701
Bachelor of Engineering:
The engineering programs may be varied by students according to the rules governing electives, pre- and co-requisites and progression within each program. Subject to pre- and co-requisites and progression rules, students may take courses at any time during the program, it being the responsibility of each student to ensure that the rules governing award of the degrees have been met and that the program of study in each semester of enrolment is feasible with regards to progression and timetabling.
Area(s) of Specialisation
- Aerospace Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Computer Science and Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Industrial Chemistry
- Law
- Manufacturing Engineering and Management
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mechatronic Engineering
- Mining Engineering
- Naval Architecture
- Petroleum Engineering
- Photonics
- Photovoltaics and Solar Energy
- Renewable Energy
- Surveying and Spatial Information Systems
- Telecommunications Engineering