Environmental Science - 3988
Program Summary
Faculty: Faculty of Science
Contact: http://www.bees.unsw.edu.au
Campus: Kensington Campus
Career: Undergraduate
Typical Duration: 4 Years
Typical UOC Per Semester: 24
Min UOC Per Semester: 3
Max UOC Per Semester: 27
Min UOC For Award: 192
UAC Code: 429008
International Entry Requirements: See International Entry Requirements
Bachelor of Environmental Science (Honours)
Bachelor of Environmental Science (Major)
Information valid for students commencing 2013.
Students who commenced prior to 2013 should go to the Handbook's Previous Editions
Program Description
Please click on 'Areas of Specialisation' at the end of this page for specialisations' course requirements.
Program Objectives and Graduate Attributes
The BEnvSc is designed as a 4 year (full-time) program. There is also an opportunity for students to combine the BEnvSc with a Bachelor of Arts by taking a 5 year program. Students who are unable to complete the BEnvSc may transfer to the 3 year Bachelor of Science and graduate with a BSc with a major in one of the environmental areas.
Program Structure
- 12 units of credit (UOC) in one or more of the discipline specialisations
- 18 UOC of Level II courses of the discipline specialisation
- General Education (6 UOC)
- BIOS6671 Biodiversity, Conserv, & Mgmt (6 UOC)
- CHEM3901 Environmental Toxicology (6 UOC)
- GEOS3911 E.I.A. (6 UOC)
- 24 UOC of Level 3 courses of the discipline specialisation
- General Education (6 UOC)
For entry to Honours, a student must have the permission of the relevant Head of School.
General Education Requirements
This is 12 UOC, usually taken in second and third year studies, as indicated in the Program Structure.
For further information, please refer to "General Education" in the Table of Contents (see left-hand side of page). Students in Environmental Science need to be aware that there are a number of General Education courses which they are excluded from taking. Please contact the BEES Student Office for details.
Academic Rules
- A student must complete 144 units of credit including 12 units of General Education in Stages 1-3 and 48 unit Honours sequence at Stage 4.
- The degree must contain the core in Environmental Science plus a specialisation in one discipline.
- A student must complete at least 36 units of credit and no more than 60 units of credit in Level I courses.
- No student may normally commence Level 2 courses until 24 units of credit Level I have been successfully completed unless approved by the program adviser or Associate Dean (Student Affairs).
- Progression to Stages 3 and 4 is subject to academic performance. A student will be required to have attained an average of 65 or higher in courses relevant to the major area and cognate subjects in each prior stage.
- Progression to Stage 4 Honours is subject to academic performance. Students seeking to enrol in Honours are required to have the permission of the Head of School, to have completed all the requirements for Stages 1, 2 and 3 of the BEnvSc and to have satisfied prerequisite requirements as specified. All General Education must also have been completed. Students who have not qualified for the BEnvSc at Pass level will not be permitted to enrol in Honours.
Specialisation | At the Level of | Plan |
Biology | Specialisation | ENVSA13988 |
Chemistry | Specialisation | ENVSR13988 |
Earth Science | Specialisation | ENVSF13988 |
Geography | Specialisation | ENVSE13988 |
Marine Biology | Specialisation | ENVSB13988 |
Microbiology | Specialisation | ENVSC13988 |
Oceanography | Specialisation | ENVSG13988 |
Area(s) of Specialisation