Mechanical & Manf Eng/Arts - 3712
This Program is no longer accepting new enrolments
Program Summary
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering
Contact: http://www.eng.unsw.edu.au
Campus: Kensington Campus
Career: Undergraduate
Typical Duration: 5 Years
Typical UOC Per Semester: 24
Min UOC Per Semester: 3
Max UOC Per Semester: 27
Min UOC For Award: 240
International Entry Requirements: See International Entry Requirements
Bachelor of Arts (Major)
Bachelor of Engineering (Major)
Information valid for students commencing 2013.
Students who commenced prior to 2013 should go to the Handbook's Previous Editions
Program Description
With this combined degree program students can add their choice of an Arts stream to a professionally accredited engineering stream in Aerospace Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering and Management, Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronic Engineering or Naval Architecture. Thus every session of the combined degree program contains only the standard 24 Units of Credit of courses and hence the workload should not be greater than in a single degree program. Students may enter directly in Year 1 or may apply to transfer from the normal engineering program later, although with late transfer it might not be possible to complete the course in minimum time. In this case the student will have to prescribe their own engineering stream following discussion with the School. The full range of Arts streams is available.
Since the Engineering and Arts streams have common content, such as mathematics and physics, only one more year of study is required to gain the additional qualification of Bachelor of Arts.
Anyone who meets the entry requirements for both Engineering and Arts is eligible for the combined program.
The BE BA program is administered by the School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering.
Students should start discussing their program with representatives of the School and the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences as soon as possible - preferably well before enrolment. Enquiries should be directed to the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.
Students should work out for themselves the arts program they would like to add to their chosen engineering stream. The Arts and Social Sciences Faculty section in this Handbook describes the options, and the School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering can supply sample streams http://www.mech.unsw.edu.au/content/prospective_students/Programs_UG.cfm?ss=2 showing what previous students have arranged. Although the Arts and Social Sciences Faculty section in this Handbook lists courses from the Faculties of Engineering and Science, it is not permissible for BE BA students to include these courses.
There are no special rules on what to include in each year. Students should schedule the arts and engineering components to suit their preferences while meeting the constraints of timetables and prerequisites. The sample streams can help here too.
The Arts component must be approved by the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.
The final program and schedule must be approved by the School.
Program Objectives and Graduate Attributes
Program Structure
Aerospace Engineering(stream AEORA13712 plan AEROA13712+ Arts Stream)
Manufacturing Engineering and Management (stream MANFA13712 plan MANFA13712 + Arts stream)
Mechanical Engineering (stream MECHA13712 plan MECHA13712 + Arts stream)
Mechatronic Engineering (stream MTRNA13712 plan MTRNA13712 + Arts stream)
Naval Architecture (stream NAVLA13712 plan NAVLA13712 + Arts stream)
Academic Rules
2. Students must complete a major sequence (42 units of credit) in one of the following areas:
- Asian Studies
- Chinese Studies
- Criminology
- Development Studies
- Environmental Studies
- European Studies
- Film Studies
- French Studies
- Hispanic Studies (previously Spanish Studies)
- History
- History and Philosophy of Science
- International Relations
- Japanese Studies
- Korean Studies
- Linguistics
- Media, Culture and Technology
- Music
- Philosophy
- Politics
- Sociology and Anthropology
- Theatre and Performance Studies
3. Except for courses completed as part of the Environmental Studies major sequences, no more than 12 units of credit may be obtained from courses in the BA program which are offered by schools outside the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.
4. No course included for credit in the BE programs can be included in the 60 units of credit required at Rule 1 for the BA program.
5. Students must complete the full requirements of the program 3710 (incorporating Aerospace, Manufacturing, Mechanical, Mechatronic and Naval Architecture)except that they are exempt from the General Education requirement of the BE program. However, students will not be eligible for graduation for the BE until a minimum of 12 units of credit of the BA have been successfully completed.
6. Students who complete the requirements for the BA program and the first two years of the BE BA program may proceed to graduation with the degree of Bachelor of Arts.
7. Students may be awarded Honours in the BA by successful completion of an Honours year. It should be noted that entry into a particular BA Honours program will require completion of courses additional to those specified under rules 1-4.
8. The total units of credit in the combined program is 5 x 48 = 240.
For academic rules relating to the Bachelor of Engineering component of this combined degree, please refer to http://www.eng.unsw.edu.au/rules/
Area(s) of Specialisation