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Computer Engineering - 3645

Program Summary

Campus: Kensington Campus
Career: Undergraduate
Typical Duration: 4 Years
Typical UOC Per Semester: 24
Min UOC Per Semester: 3
Max UOC Per Semester: 27
Min UOC For Award: 192
Bachelor of Engineering (Major)

Program Description

The Computer Engineering program aims to produce graduates with sound knowledge in both the hardware and software aspects of computer systems. Software aspects are covered in courses offer by the School of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE). Hardware aspects are covered in courses offered by CSE and the School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications. The program was jointly developed by these two schools.

Within the program, students study foundational courses in Maths and Physics, as well as core computing and electronics courses. In later years, students have a range of elective choices, in areas such as networks, operating systems, embedded systems, telecommunications, and artificial intelligence.

Computer Engineering is also available as a component of the combined degree programs:
And as a concurrent program:
For details of all academic requirements for this program, see

Program Objectives and Learning Outcomes

Program Structure

Students should consult the timetable, and review prerequisites when determining which order to complete the following:

Year 1
And ONE of:
And ONE of:
And ONE of:
And ONE of:
Note: Students who have already completed 12 UOC of BE First Year Electives may use this credit to count towards 6 UOC of Breadth Elective and 6 UOC of Depth Elective. If you have any questions, please contact the CSE Student Office.

Year 2
  • General Education (6UOC)

Year 3
  • Breadth Elective (18UOC)
  • Depth Elective (6UOC)
  • General Education (6UOC)

Year 4
  • Breadth/Coverage Elective (6UOC)
  • Depth Elective (18UOC)
Breadth courses: A listing of the available courses can be found here.

Depth courses: Courses that require a Breadth elective, or a core COMP3 course as a pre-requisite. A listing can be found below. A listing can be found here.

Coverage Courses: Other COMP3 or COMP4 courses not listed as Breadth or Depth.

BE First Year Electives can be found at

It is recommended that students start thinking about Industrial Training in the summer after Year 2 and Year 3. Graduation may be delayed if a satisfactory report for 60 days industrial training has not been received by the release of final year results.

The Program Director must approve the program selected by each student if it does not fall within the guidelnes set out for completion of the degree. Not all electives are offered in each session. Students are advised each year of the timetable of available electives. It may be possible to substitute other electives run by the participating schools, apart from those listed below, but this is not permitted if it unduly restricts the range of courses studied overall.

General Education Requirements

For any restrictions on General Education courses for CSE Students, see


Honours will be awarded to students who have achieved superior grades in BE courses including the successful completion of a thesis at sufficient standard. Weighted average marks required for Honours grades are given below: The School of Computer Science and Engineering uses an internal method for calculating this average, the information provided by New South Student is not used for this purpose.

Honours Class 1: WA greater than or equal to 75

Honours Class 2: Division 1: WA equal to 70 up to and including 74

Divison 2: WA equal to 65 up to and including 69

Academic Rules

Bachelor of Engineering Program Rules

1. The Bachelor of Engineering is awarded following the completion of a minimum of 192 units of credit.

2. The specific requirements for the Bachelor of Engineering in the various disciplines are set out in the relevant sections in this Handbook.

3. The degree may be awarded with Honours, based upon the overall performance in the program and in accordance with Faculty and School policies. Honours are awarded in the following classes - Class 1, Class 2 Division 1, Class 2 Division 2.

4. The standard duration of the program is four years, or eight sessions, of full-time study each comprising 24 units of credit. Students may undertake the program over a longer period on the basis of part-time study.

5. Each student is required to complete a minimum of 60 days of approved experience in industry prior to graduation.

6. General Education electives may only be attempted after the student has attempted at least 24 units of credit.


For information regarding fees for UNSW programs, please refer to the following website:

Industrial Training

All students in the BE in Computer Engineering, Bioinformatics Engineering and Software Engineering programs must complete at least 60 days of approved Industrial Training before the end of Year 4.

Computing Requirements
Information regarding recommended computing equipment and software for the program is available from the School of Computer Science and Engineering Help Desk.

Further Information and Requirements

Some courses listed here also offer advanced versions.

Professional Recognition

Engineers Australia

The professional body for engineering in Australia is Engineers Australia, which has as its first objective the promotion of the science and practice of engineering in all its branches.

Engineers Australia has its national headquarters in Canberra and functions through a series of divisions, the local one being the Sydney Division. Within each division are branches representing the main interests within the profession, e.g. civil, mechanical, electrical, engineering management and environmental engineering.

Students of an approved school of engineering may join the Institution as a student member (StudIEAust). Student members receive the monthly publication Engineers Australia and for a small fee they also receive The Transactions which contains articles on a particular branch of engineering.

Student members are invited to participate in the Excellence Award for Work Experience, the National Young Engineer of the Year Award and to avail themselves of other Engineers Australia services including the Mentor Scheme and industrial experience guidance.

For more information and membership application forms, contact Engineers Australia, Sydney Division, Level 3, 8 Thomas Street, CHATSWOOD NSW 2067 - telephone 02 9410 5600

The Australian Computing Society

The peak professional body for computing in Australia is the Australian Computing Society (ACS) -

The objectives of the ACS can be found here and include: "advanc[ing] professional excellence in information and communications technology, and further[ing] the study, science and application of information and communications technology."

Again, students who want to join ACS should go to Member Application

Area(s) of Specialisation

URL for this page:

© The University of New South Wales (CRICOS Provider No.: 00098G), 2004-2011. The information contained in this Handbook is indicative only. While every effort is made to keep this information up-to-date, the University reserves the right to discontinue or vary arrangements, programs and courses at any time without notice and at its discretion. While the University will try to avoid or minimise any inconvenience, changes may also be made to programs, courses and staff after enrolment. The University may also set limits on the number of students in a course.