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Medical Science - 3991 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
For students entering Medical Science in Stage 1 prior to 2007 or Stage 2 prior to 2008, the previous plan description and rules apply. Please click here.
This three-year degree program is jointly offered by the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Science. It provides the basis for a career in biomedical research and is also an appropriate first degree for students planning to enter graduate medical or paramedical programs. Medical science is the area of science which underpins the practice of medicine. It incorporates the study of structure and chemistry of the cells that make up living organisms (Cell & Molecular Biology and Biochemistry) with particular reference to humans, and specifically of the structure and function of the human body (Anatomy and Physiology). It then deals with the general processes leading to disease (Pathology), the role of bacteria, viruses and other micro-organisms in disease (Microbiology) as well as drugs which are used to cure human diseases (Pharmacology). Other areas available for study include the way in which our form and function is inherited (Genetics), the processes of development from the fertilised ovum (Embryology), the natural defences of the body (Immunology) and the study of the structure and function of the brain (Neuroscience). Students enrolled in this program may have the opportunity to undertake a fourth year that involves a research program leading to an Honours degree. A limited number of high-performing students may be able to gain entry to the UNSW Medicine program with advanced standing. For more information, please click here. Students intending to apply for entry via this pathway must have completed all compulsory courses by the end of Stage 2.
Program Objectives and Learning Outcomes Students enrolled in this program will have the opportunity to gain a broad perspective of the biomedical sciences, as well as having the opportunity to specialise in one or more of the above disciplines.
Stage 1
In the following outline of the structure of 3991 courses are listed by teaching semester.
Elective course from a School in the Faculty of Science (6 UoC)
(recommended: Psychology, Physics or Mathematics)
BIOS1101 Evolutionary & Functional Biology *OR BIOS2021 Genetics (6 UoC) OR
BABS2202 Molecular Cell Biology 1 (6 UoC),
Elective course from a School in the Faculty of Science (6UoC)
(recommended: Statistics for Life & Social Sciences, Psychology or Physics)
Notes relating to Stage 1:
Students must complete MATH1041 Statistics for Life & Social Sciences by the end of Stage 2. This requirement can be done as an elective course in Stage 1 or Stage 2.
*Students who have completed high school Biology with a score of at least 75 and achieved at least a credit in BABS1201 can substitute either BIOS2021 Genetics or BABS2202 Molecular Biology I for BIOS1101.
Stage 2
The 48 UoC of courses taken in this Stage must include at least 36 UoC from the following 6 UoC courses, all of which must be completed by the end of Stage 3. When making choices for Stage 2, students need to take account of prerequisite requirements for courses in Stage 3, in particular with respect to their intended area of specialisation.
Students who do not take all of the above courses in Stage 2 may select up to 12 UoC of electives. When making these choices, students must seek academic advice from the School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences or the School of Medical Sciences. As noted above, students must complete MATH1041 Statistics for Life & Social Sciences by the end of Stage 2.
Stage 3
The 48 UoC of courses in this stage must consist of at least 24 UoC from the following 6 UoC courses, 12 UoC of elective courses and 12 UoC of General Education electives. Students should consult the General Education Rules. When making their course choices, intending Honours students must consult with the school of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences or the School of Medical Sciences about requirements for Honours prior to enrolment in Stage 3 of the program. Students intending to enrol in an Honours discipline need to complete the courses listed in the relevant area of Specialisation.
In the following section courses are arranged by discipline rather than by semester.
ANAT2341 Embryology: Early and Systematic Development
ANAT3121 Visceral Anatomy ANAT3131 Functional Anatomy 1 ANAT3141 Functional Anatomy 2 ANAT3231 Cell Biology ANAT3411 Neuroanatomy Neuroscience
PATH3205 Molecular Basis of Disease A PATH3206 Molecular Basis of Disease B PATH3207 Musculoskeletal Diseases Biochemistry
BIOC3111 Molecular Biology of Proteins BIOC3121 Molecular Biology of Nucleic Acids BIOC3261 Human Biochemistry BIOC3271 Molecular Cell Biology BIOC3281 Recombinant DNA Techniques and Eukaryotic Molecular Biology BIOC3621 Molecular Biology of Nucleic Acids (Advanced) BIOC3671 Molecular Cell Biology (Advanced) BIOT3061 Biopharmaceuticals BIOT3071 Commercial Biotechnology Microbiology and Immunology
MICR3021 Microbial Genetics MICR3041 Immunology 1 MICR3051 Immunology 2 MICR3061 Viruses and Disease MICR3081 Bacteria and Disease MICR3621 Microbial Genetics (Advanced) MICR3641 Immunology 1 (Advanced) Note: BIOC3271 and BIOC3671 require BIOC2201 as a pre-requisite. BIOC3151 and BIOC3291 require BIOS2021 as a pre-requisite. these pre-requisites may be taken in S2, Stage 1.
Progression to Stage 4 Honours is subject to academic performance and requires a WAM of at least 65. Students seeking to enrol in Honours are required to have the permission of the Head of the relevant School/Department and have completed all the requirements for Stages1, 2 and 3 of the BMedSc including General Education (students who have not qualified for the 3-year BMedSc degree will not be permitted to enrol in Honours). Honours consists of a project in conjunction with any required coursework (total 48 UoC) and may be undertaken in the School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences, Departments within the School of Medical Sciences or in a relevant clinical Department in the Faculty of Medicine. Students are not normally able to enrol in an Honours discipline without completing the courses listed in the relevant area of Specialisation.
General Education Requirments Students enrolled in Medical Science must complete 12 UoC of General Education, normally in stage 3 of the program. The rules for General Education can be found by clicking hereGeneral Education Requirements. Please note that students must complete their General Education requirements with courses that are from faculties other than Medicine and Science. This means that courses offered by the Faculties of Medicine or Science (including GENM and GENS courses) cannot be counted as General Education.
For information regarding fees for UNSW programs, please refer to the following website: https://my.unsw.edu.au/student/fees/FeesMainPage.html
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