Program Summary
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Campus: Kensington Campus
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Career: Undergraduate
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Typical Duration: 3 Years
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Typical UOC Per Session: 24
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Min UOC Per Session: 3
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Max UOC Per Session: 24
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Min UOC For Award: 144
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Bachelor of Science (Communication) (Major)
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Bachelor of Science (Communication) (Minor)
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Bachelor of Science (Communication) (Honours)
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Program Description
The Science Communication program is designed to serve students interested in a career in the human and social aspects of science, from entrepreneurship in biotechnology to science journalism and from advising on environmental policy to teaching science to the public.
The program leads to a 3 year Pass or 4 year Honours degree. It provides students with a strong grounding in Science together with conceptual insights and practical skills in Communication.
Students address large-scale issues, like the role of science in society, as they impact on small-scale interactions, such as a conversation between a patient and her doctor. This scope of concerns makes the degree a highly interdisciplinary undertaking for the student who likes to marry theory with practice.
Program Objectives and Learning Outcomes
Program Structure
Science Communication electives consist of SCOM courses that are not part of the degree program's core as well as selected courses outside SCOM that address key aspects of human, organisational, and mass communication. They can be from Psychology, Marketing, Sociology, Media and Communication, Geography, Safety Science, or like fields, but they may not be from a student's major or minor area of study. A SCOM elective must be approved by the Science Communication Program Office.
Stage 1
- 24 UOC from two Science Schools
- Electives totalling 12 UOC
Stage 2
- OR consult the SCOM Program Office for alternatives
- Electives in Communication totalling 6 UOC
- 18-24 UOC in a Science Major or 2 Minors (as required by Major or Minors)
- Further electives to give a total of 42 UOC for Stage 2
- General Education (6 UOC)
Stage 3
- Electives in Communication totalling 6 UOC
- 24 UOC in a Science Major or Minors (continued from Stage 2)
- General Education (6 UOC)
Academic Rules
- A student must complete 144 units of credit including 12 units of credit of General Education.
- The degree must contain a Communications major sequence and either a second major drawn from those approved within the BSc (excluding all courses from the Schools of Philosophy, and History and Philosophy of Science) or two approved minor sequences within Science.
- A student must complete at least 36 and no more than 60 units of credit in Level I courses from at least three Schools.
- A student must complete at least 24 units of credit at Level I from Science Schools (as defined in the rules attached to the conditions for the award of the BSc excluding the Schools of Philosophy, and History and Philosophy of Science).
- No student may commence Level II courses until 24 Level I units of credit have been successfully completed.
- A student must complete a minimum of 84 units of credit from Science schools (see 4 above).
- Progression to Stage 4 Honours is subject to academic performance. Students seeking to enrol in Honours are required to have the permission of the Head of School, to have completed all the requirements for Stages 1, 2 and 3 of the BSc (Comm) and to have satisfied prerequisite requirements as specified. All General Education must also have been completed. Students who have not qualified for the BSc (Comm) at Pass level will not be permitted to enrol in Honours.
Area(s) of Specialisation