The University of New South Wales

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Undergraduate Handbook

Mechanical & Manufacturing Eng - 3710

Program Summary

Campus: Kensington Campus
Career: Undergraduate
Typical Duration: 4 Years
Typical UOC Per Session: 24
Min UOC Per Session: 3
Max UOC Per Session: 27
Min UOC For Award: 192
Bachelor of Engineering (Major)
Bachelor of Engineering (Research)

Program Description

The plans under program 3710, which lead to the award of the degree of Bachelor of Engineering (BE), are designed to provide the appropriate academic training for the professional engineer in the fields of Aerospace Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering and Management, Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronic Engineering and Naval Architecture. The first two years of these plans are identical whilst the third and fourth years of the plans contain a number of common courses. Professional elective courses provide for a limited degree of specialisation in the fourth year of the Mechanical Engineering plan. The Aerospace Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering and Management, Mechatronic Engineering and Naval Architecture plans do not have professional elective components. Each student is required to submit a thesis at the end of the final year and to deliver a seminar on the topic of the thesis.

The School also offers combined programs with Science 3711, Arts 3712, or Commerce 3715, leading to the award of the degrees of Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Science (BE Bsc), Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Arts (BE BA), and Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Commerce (BE BCom), respectively. These combined programs enable students to major in the area of computer science, materials science, mathematics, physics, statistics, commerce and economics, or another relevant field, in addition to studying their chosen engineering plan.

Bachelor/Masters programs are also available. After five years of study, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering students may obtain Bachelor of Engineering/Master of Biomedical Engineering (BE MBiomedE) degrees.

Programs and Plans
The University's New South Solutions computer software uses the concept of "plans" within "programs". Most students are in one plan within a program. For example, a BE mechanical engineering student in program 3710 is in plan MECHA13710. The fifth character "A" indicates the "standard" plan. Other examples are:

BE Aerospace engineering plan AEROA13710
BE Manufacturing Engineering and Management plan MANFA13710
BE Mechatronic engineering plan MTRNA13710
BE Naval Architecture plan NAVLA13710

Combined degrees BE BA, BE BSc and BE MBiomedE students are in two plans simultaneously throughout their five years; one engineering and the other arts, science or biomedical engineering respectively. For example
BE Manufacturing engineering/BA French major MANFA13712 and FRENA13712

BE Naval Architecture/BSc Physics major NAVL13711 and PHYSA13711

BE Mechatronic Engineering/MBiomedE MTRNA13688 and BIOMA13688

The BE degree is only completed after five years.

The BE degree is completed after four years. In fifth year they transfer to the appropriate postgraduate program described in the Postgraduate Handbook.

For details of all academic requirements for this program, see //

Program Objectives and Learning Outcomes

Program Structure

The program structure below gives one sequence of courses which fulfils the requirements of the degree. The timing of the general education courses and elective courses may be modified to optimize the student's choice of courses. Suggestions for other course sequences consistent with timetabling and availability can be found on the School website at (link)While some courses are given twice a year, many courses are given only once a year. In addition, courses may have prerequisites and exclusions. Thus students should plan their enrolments appropriately.

Aerospace Engineering (plan AEROA13710)
Manufacturing Engineering and Management (plan MANFA13710)
Mechanical Engineering (plan MECHA13710)
Mechatronic Engineering (plan MTRNA13710)
Naval Architecture (plan NAVLA13710)

  • The first program structures listed (Years 1 and 2) are under the new flexible structure for students who commenced in 2006 and onwards. Years 3 and 4 of the flexible program are listed under the individual plans.
  • The program structure for students who enrolled prior to 2006 (Year 4) is listed under individual plans.

Year 1 (Flexible)
Choose ONE of:
And ONE of:
And ONE of:
Plus these following 2 courses:

And ONE of:
  1. ENGG1811 is recommended for the AERO, MANF and NAVL Plans but COMP1911 is an acceptable alternative.
  2. COMP1911 is recommended for the MECH and MTRN Plans.
  3. MINE1300 and CVEN1300 are acceptable alternatives for MMAN1300
  4. Not all courses are offered in both sessions but students should complete 24 UOC in each session.
Plus choose 2 electives from the Year 1 Elective List

Suggested Year 1 electives for this program are:
For information relating to Years 3 and 4 of the flexible program structure please refer to the school website http//

Year 2 of all plans
  • General Education (6UOC)

General Education Requirements


Academic Rules


For information regarding fees for UNSW programs, please refer to the following website:

Industrial Experience Requirements

Professional Recognition

The Institution of Engineers, Australia, recognises the degree of BE in any of the undergraduate programs offered by the School as meeting the examination requirements for admission to graduate and corporate membership. Substantial or complete recognition is accorded to the BE degree programs by overseas engineering institutions.

The award of the BE degree in Aerospace Engineering is recognised by the Royal Aeronautical Society as giving exemption from the formal examination requirements for corporate membership. Advancement from graduate membership to associate membership grade is awarded on a case by case basis after a further period of some years of professional experience.

The award of the BE degree in Naval Architecture is recognised by the Royal Institutiion of Naval Architects (RINA), London, as the academic qualification for corporate membership of that body.
  • A student who is faced with compiling a timetable comprising courses from two academic years must give preference to courses from the lower year.
  • For students taking the Manufacturing Engineering and Management plan, the accounting courses GENC1001, GENC1002 or GENC1003 should not be chosen as they partially duplicate course ACCT9003.

Thesis Arrangements
  • The course MECH4001 Communications for Professional Engineers must only be taken in conjunction with either MECH4003 Thesis A or MECH4004 Thesis B.
  • MECH4003 and MECH4004 must be undertaken in two consecutive sessions which are the final two sessions of candidature.
  • A student must not be enrolled in more than 24 units of credit in any session involving MECH4003 and MECH4004.
  • A single thesis project is commenced in MECH4003 and completed in MECH4004. MECH4004 carries the mark for the thesis project.
  • MECH4003 is graded satisfactory (SY)/ failure (FN). If a student receives a failure (FN) in MECH4003, a student cannot proceed with MECH4004.
  • If the project is abandoned during MECH4004, or if MECH4004 is failed, then the satisfactory (SY) for MECH4003 is changed to failure (FN). To complete the degree, a completely new topic must be chosen and the student must enrol again in both MECH4003 and MECH4004. (For BE MBiomedE students, read BIOM5001 instead of MECH4003 and BIOM5002 instead of MECH4004)

Area(s) of Specialisation

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© The University of New South Wales (CRICOS Provider No.: 00098G), 2004-2011. The information contained in this Handbook is indicative only. While every effort is made to keep this information up-to-date, the University reserves the right to discontinue or vary arrangements, programs and courses at any time without notice and at its discretion. While the University will try to avoid or minimise any inconvenience, changes may also be made to programs, courses and staff after enrolment. The University may also set limits on the number of students in a course.