Art Theory/Arts - 4806

Program Summary

Campus: College of Fine Arts Campus
Career: Undergraduate
Typical Duration: 4 Years
Typical UOC Per Session: 24
Min UOC Per Session: 3
Max UOC Per Session: 27
Min UOC For Award: 192
Bachelor of Arts (Major)
Bachelor of Art Theory (Major)
Bachelor of Arts (Honours)
Bachelor of Art Theory (Honours)

Program Description

The BArtTh BA degree is the equivalent of four years full-time study. It enables students to combine the broad range of offerings available in the BA with the focused study of the visual arts and visual culture provided by the BArtTh. The BA component of the degree offers a wide range of complementary humanities and social science studies. Graduates will be prepared for employment in the arts and cultural industries.

Students undertaking this combined degree program complete the core requirements of both the Bachelor of Art Theory and the Bachelor of Arts, together with approved electives.

Program Objectives and Learning Outcomes

On completion of this program, students will have attained a sound knowledge base in Art Theory and also their chosen Arts specialisation/s.

Program Structure

Please refer to the below section entited "Academic Rules" for program requirements and structure.

For information on courses available within the Art Theory and Arts components of this combined degree program, students may also wish to refer to the following program records:

Bachelor of Art Theory 4803

Bachelor of Arts 3400

Academic Rules

1. Students must complete a program of study of 192 units of credit, of which:

a) at least 90 units of credit must be obtained in courses offered by the College of Fine Arts;

b) at least 84 units of credit must be obtained in courses approved for the Bachelor of Arts degree (excluding those offered by the College of Fine Arts); and

c) 18 units of credit in electives.

2. The BArtTh component of the combined degree must include:

a) a major in art and design theory, consisting of 60 units of credit in approved courses. The major in Art and Design Theory must include the following Level 1 courses: SAHT1101 Mapping the Modern, SAHT1102 Mapping the Postmodern, SAHT1211 Theories of the Image, SAHT1212 Theories of Art History and Culture, and SAHT1221 Contexts for Art; and

b) a student must complete 30 units of credit in COFA electives.

3. Of the units of credit obtained in courses approved for the BA degree (excluding those offered by the College of Fine Arts):

a) between 24 and 36 units of credit must be obtained in Level 1 courses, including no more than 12 Level 1 units of credit in any one sequence of study;

b) no more than 54 units of credit in total may be from any one school, department, unit or interdisciplinary program;

c) at least 18 units of credit must be obtained in Upper Level courses other than those taught by the school, department, unit or interdisciplinary program in which a major is being taken; and

d) 42 units of credit must be obtained in one of the following major sequences within the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences:
  • AUST Australian Studies
  • CHIN Chinese Studies
  • COMD Development Studies
  • EDST Education
  • ENGL English
  • Environmental Studies
  • EURO European Studies
  • FREN French
  • GERS German Studies
  • GREK Greek
  • HIST History
  • HPSC History and Philosophy of Science
  • INDO Indonesian Studies
  • JAPN Japanese Studies
  • KORE Korean Studies
  • LING Linguistics
  • MEFT Media, Culture and Technology/Film/Theatre and Performance
  • MUSC Music
  • PECO Political Economy
  • PHIL Philosophy
  • POLS Politics and International Studies
  • SLSP Policy Studies
  • SOCA Sociology and Anthropology
  • SPAN Spanish and Latin American Studies
  • WOMS Women's and Gender Studies
4. No student may commence Upper Level subjects until 24 Level 1 units of credit have been successfully completed.

5. Students who satisfy the normal prerequisites for the BArtTh(Hons) or the BA(Hons) may qualify for Honours in either of these programs by completing an additional year of study (48 units of credit).

6. For eligibility for entry to the BArtTh(Hons) students must have achieved an average of 75% in 36 units of credit in the Art Theory major outside Stage 1.


For information regarding fees for UNSW programs, please refer to the following website:

Program Schema (pdf download)

Related Program(s)

4803 Art Theory
3400 Arts

Area(s) of Specialisation