Law (Part-Time) - 4791 |
Program Summary
This program enables students who have already completed another degree to obtain the Bachelor of Laws degree on a part time study basis. The program covers all the foundation areas of Law in theory and practice.
The program is a six-year part-time program leading to the award of Bachelor of Laws and satisfies academic requirements for admission to practice.
Entry Requirements The program is only available to graduates and people over 21 years of age who have completed the University Preparation Program. The program is not available to people who proceed directly from the Higher School Certificate. Attendance Requirements The program involves attendance at the Kensington campus on two afternoons a week. Electives The courses of the LLB degree program are set out in Rule 5 appearing later under Rules for Award of Degrees. However, it will not be possible to provide the full range of electives at times convenient to part-time students. Transfer to Full-Time Program Students enrolled in program 4791 (part-time) are eligible to apply to transfer to 4790 (full-time) after completing 48 units of credit in the part-time program. Program Objectives and Learning Outcomes This program aims to provide students with a firm foundation of knowledge relating to the theory and practice of Law.
Total Unit Requirements
Approved Sequence of Study
Students must study law courses in an approved sequence. An approved sequence can be found here: Plan for Law 4791 Other sequences may be approved in special circumstances. See Program 4790 for Rules Relating to the Bachelor of Laws Program. A direct link is given below:
Bachelor of Laws 4790 For information regarding fees for UNSW programs, please refer to the following website: