Printmaking - PRINA24820
Stream Summary
School: School of Art & Design
Contact: www.artdesign.unsw.edu.au
Program: 4820 - Fine Arts / Arts
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Minor)
View stream information for previous years
Stream Outline
Students in the Printmaking studio develop as creative producers and independent thinkers in fine art. They acquire a diverse technical foundation in both traditional and contemporary print methods, such as digital imaging, etching, lithography, relief printing, and screen-printing. Students use collaborative enquiry, analysis, critique and reflection to generate innovative ideas and interdisciplinary experimentation, which equips them as skilled and conceptually relevant contemporary practitioners in fine art.
Stream Structure
The Printmaking Studio consists of 4 courses (24 UOC) from the following list. Students must complete at least two Level 2 courses before proceeding to Level 3 courses.
Level 2
Level 2
Level 3