
Physiology - PHSLB23782

Stream Summary

Faculty: MED - Faculty of Medicine

School: School of Medical Sciences


Program: 3782 - Adv Science (Hons) / Comp Sci


Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours) (Minor)

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Stream Outline

Physiology is all about what makes human bodies work – how the organs – including the brain – function, how humans grow and develop, how humans sustain bodily functions and what happens to these processes during disease and ageing. More specifically, it considers how molecules in cells interact to provide specific functions (molecular and cellular physiology) and how organs, which are collections of cell types, have local and distal actions via neural and humoral (e.g. hormones) communication to sustain the life of an organism. The latter represents systems or integrative physiology. Physiology contributes to all major aspects of biology, including comparative biology, neuroscience, and the allied disciplines of pharmacology, anatomy and pathology.

Stream Structure

A minor in Physiology is comprised of 48 UOC of courses as follows:

Stage 1
Stage 2 / Stage 3
  1. MATH1031 Mathematics for Life Sciences, MATH1131 Mathematics 1A, or MATH1141 Higher Mathematics 1A may be taken instead of MATH1041.
  2. Students who have completed PHSL2101 as part of their major requirements are exempted from this course in the minor and are required to take an additional level 2 / 3 elective in its place
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