Geology - GEOLF23970
Stream Summary
Faculty: SCI - Faculty of Science
School: School of Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences
Program: 3970 - Science
Bachelor of Science (Minor)
Stream Outline
Geology is the study of the nature and evolution of the structure of our planet, covering everything from natural crystals and fossils to the powerful forces that drive earthquakes and volcanoes and move continents across the globe. Almost everything we do involves the Earth in some way.
Stream Structure
A minor in Geology is comprised of 36 UOC of courses as follows:
Stage 1
Stage 2 / Stage 3
- GEOS2131 Field Mtds & Mapping (6 UOC)
- GEOS2181 Earth Materials (6 UOC)
- GEOS3141 Mineral and Energy Resources (6 UOC)
- GEOS3171 Earth Structures (6 UOC)
Note: Students completing a major in Earth Science and Geochemistry cannot complete this minor.