
Interactive Media - DIGMF24809

Stream Summary

Faculty: COFA - Faculty of Art & Design

School: School of Art & Design


Program: 4809 - Design (Honours)


Bachelor of Design (Honours) (Minor)

View stream information for previous years

Stream Outline

Increasingly we see the transformation of electronic media from a static entity to a dynamic and responsive component of the environment. The Interactive Media stream explores the creation of rich electronically mediated experiences that operate at a human scale, how interactivity can be utilized to enhance the experience of a work, and how technology can be put into service to create dynamic and responsive environments and objects.

Interactive Media is valuable for students in design, media art and fine arts who wish to engage with DIY/Hacker/Maker culture, and develop and use interfaces to construct new, interactive ways of experiencing, and interacting with digital media, and worlds around and within us. Students will work with sensing technologies for controlling audio, visual and/or mechatronic systems, allowing the development of original interactive art and design works, using off-the-shelf components/systems.

Stream Structure

The Interactive Media Studio consists of 4 courses (24 UOC) from the following list. Students should complete both Level 2 courses before proceeding to Level 3 courses.

Level 2
Level 3

Study Levels

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