
Computer Science (AI) - COMPI13978

Stream Summary

Faculty: ENG - Faculty of Engineering

School: School of Computer Science and Engineering


Program: 3978 - Computer Science


Bachelor of Science (Major)

View stream information for previous years

Stream Outline

Artificial Intelligence (AI), once simply a branch of computing research, has over the last decade moved into the mainstream of computational problem solving techniques. Many systems, from search engines to financial systems and health systems employ AI techniques such as machine learning. While true "intelligence" via computers is still remote, AI techniques are increasingly being used to enhance the performance of a vast range of existing systems, and to enable new applications, especially those involving large amounts of data.

In many applications (e.g. driverless vehicles), AI allows existing systems to work with less and less manual intervention. As autonomous devices become more common, potential employers include companies that can make ready use of automation. This includes companies concerned with home and office automation, entertainment companies and autonomous systems research and development. Autonomous systems and the sophisticated sensors they employ are also adopted in many industries to enhance production and to improve safety (e.g. mining, manufacturing, transport).

This stream introduces students to the foundations of artificial intelligence and the core technologies (machine learning, knowledge representation) that are required to apply AI in the real world.

Stream Structure

Students must complete 96 UOC including:

Core courses (72 UOC)
Plus choose ONE of:
And ONE of:
Discipline electives (24 UOC)

18 UOC from the following courses:
  • 6 UOC of computing courses (COMP3 or higher)
UNSW Computing

Study Levels

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