
Ceramics - CERMB24061

Stream Summary

Faculty: COFA - Faculty of Art & Design

School: School of Art & Design


Program: 4061 - Design (Hons)/Education (Sec)


Bachelor of Design (Honours) (Minor)

View stream information for previous years

Stream Outline

Students in the Ceramics Stream design and create ceramic artworks, custom-made artefacts, and commercial products for the table, interior and built environments.

Students undertake investigations in clay modelling, hand and wheel forming methods, surface treatment, glazing and firing technologies, as well as slip casting, press moulding processes, and printed surface treatment. Students are also introduced to digital 3D technologies.

Ceramics students will develop as creators and designers able to work across a wide range of art and design fields.

Stream Structure

The Ceramics Studio consists of 4 courses (24 UOC) from the following list. Students must complete at least two Level 2 courses before proceeding to Level 3 courses.

Level 2
Level 3

Study Levels

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