Neuroscience - NEURBH3762
Stream Summary
Faculty: MED - Faculty of Medicine
School: School of Medical Sciences
Contact: medicalsciences.med.unsw.edu.au
Program: 3762 - AdvSci(Hons)/Engineering(Hons)
Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours)
View stream information for previous years
Stream Outline
The research project will be conducted under the supervision of an academic in SoMS or Psychology, or with a conjoint member of those schools from an Institute such as NeuRA or the Garvan. A list of available supervisors, their research areas, and the research skills that you would learn, are available on the Neuroscience Honours Supervisors page. You should speak with one or more supervisors before submitting your application form.
Consult the Neuroscience Honours webpage for more information and a list of potential supervisors and projects.
Honours in Neuroscience can be completed full-time or part-time, and mid-year entry is available. Students are to commence work on their project no more than 1 month prior to the start of the semester.
Stream Structure
Assessment items:
Assessment Item
Research Proposal and Presentation
A 4000 word written proposal providing an overview of relevant background literature and a research plan covering aims, hypotheses, experimental design and methods, outcomes and significance and timeline. A 10 minute presentation of the research outline to the Neuroscience Honours Committee and other interested supervisors and students. Students graded by two Committee members / external examiners.
Research Thesis
A written thesis of a maximum of 10,000 words marked by two examiners.
Lay summary of thesis
A 1-2 page summary of the thesis written in language suitable for the general public. Summary assessed by all Neuroscience Honours Committee members.
Coursework S1
Weekly 2 hour classes for 10 weeks. Students will learn how to critically evaluate the primary literature and present scientific data through a weekly series of student presentations. Students will be assessed on their presentations, participation in question sessions and essays.
Coursework S2
Half-day weekly workshops for 6 weeks which covers cutting edge neuroscience techniques, statistics and thesis writing. Students will be assessed on their presentations, participation in question sessions and essays.
- Attendance at departmental seminars
- Completion of the online Health & Safety Awareness course and Laboratory Safety course
- Additional H&S requirement depending on research project
Admission Requirements and Process
- Neuroscience Honours is open to all students who majored in Neuroscience, along with Psychology and Medical Science students that have a background in disciplines allied to neuroscience (as evidenced, for example, by completion of NEUR courses)
- Overall WAM ≥ 65.
- Level 3 science course WAM ≥ 65
- Other science students with an interest and some background in neuroscience are eligible to enrol in the course subject the approval of the Course Coordinator.
- Applicants with a WAM of at least 60 will be considered if their WAM for level 3 science subjects is ≥ 68%.
Students must select a supervisor and complete an enrolment form. Enrolment forms and a list of available supervisors and research projects are on the Neuroscience Honours webpage (http://medicalsciences.med.unsw.edu.au/students/undergraduate/neuroscience/honours)
Graduates in neuroscience can be found working in the public sector performing scientific research at a University or Research Institute, providing direct and indirect health care at a hospital or clinic, working for the Therapeutic Goods Administration or other government body, teaching at school, TAFE or University. Neuroscience careers in the private sector may be in pharmaceutical companies researching new drugs or supervising drug trials, in patent offices, science journalism, or advertising and communications design, where understanding neural processing of sensory input is very useful.