Computer Science (Prog Langs) - COMPJ13785

Stream Summary

Faculty: Faculty of Engineering

School: School of Computer Science and Engineering


Program: 3785 - Engineering (Hons) / Comp Sci


Bachelor of Science (Major)

Stream Outline

Programming languages form the underpinnings of all software development. Over the years, computer scientists have identified a number of major programming paradigms and developed a wide variety of programming languages based on these, ranging from general purpose languages to application specific languages. The study of programming languages gives valuable insights into the nature of computation in all of its manifestations.

The Programming Languages stream in the Computer Science program exposes students to the foundations of programming languages, how they are designed, how they are implemented, and how they might best be exploited by programmers.The stream considers procedural languages, functional languages, object-oriented languages and parallel languages.

Stream Structure

Students must complete 96 UOC including:

Core courses:
Plus choose ONE of:
And ONE of:
  • COMP1521 (6 UOC) is counted towards the BE (Hons) as a first year elective
  • COMP4920 (6 UOC) is waived in the BSc in favour of a management or ethics course in the BE (Hons)
  • Students instead take 12 UOC General Education.
Discipline electives:

18 UOC from the following courses:
  • 6 UOC of computing courses (COMP3 or higher)