
Theatre & Perf Studies (Ext) - THSTB24053

Stream Summary

Faculty: ARTSC - Faculty of Arts&Social Science

School: School of the Arts and Media


Program: 4053 - Arts / Education (Secondary)


Bachelor of Arts (Minor)

View stream information for previous years

Stream Outline


The Theatre and Performance Studies extended minor stream will enable you to engage with a range of performance modes – theatrical and cultural, European and Australasian, contemporary and historical, text and non-text based, low and high culture – and to experience a combination of both practice-based and concept-driven learning. As a Theatre and Performance Studies student you will be equipped with the skills to analyse, interpret or work with a variety of performance forms. The extended minor stream’s contemporary focus explores experimental arts practices. Its historical orientation focuses on skills in playtext and genre analysis as well as on national theatre traditions and canon formation. Offerings in creative practice focus on skills development and include opportunities to study interdisciplinary collaboration, professional production, script-writing and solo performance. The stream also offers internships and arts reviewing courses which emphasise links to Sydney-based production companies, venues and publishing networks.

Stream Structure

If you wish to gain an extended minor stream in Theatre and Performance Studies you must complete 36 units of credit including 12 UOC at Level 1, 12 UOC at Level 2 including the core course and 12 UOC at Level 3.

The NSW Board of Studies Teaching and Educational Standards NSW (BOSTES) teaching specialisation requirements in Drama include theory, performance and production. Students must complete one of the following:

Level 1

You must complete the following Level 1 core courses:

Level 2

You must complete the following Level 2 core course:
And 6 UOC from the following:

Level 3

You must complete 12 UOC from the following:
Theatre and Performance Studies

Study Levels

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