
Mechanical & Manufacturing Eng - MANFBH3961

Stream Summary

Faculty: ENG - Faculty of Engineering

School: School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering

Contact: School

Program: 3961 - Engineering (Honours) / Arts


Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Major)

View stream information for previous years

Stream Outline

The Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering stream is designed for students with a mechanical engineering major whose interests also lie in realising, commercialising and implementing mechanical and mechatronic systems and designs. The five core courses included as part of this stream have been designed on the basis of world best practice in manufacturing and industrial engineering and reflect a top-down - bottom-up approach, spanning the disciplines of Strategy and Management, Operations and Supply Chains, Analysis and Decision-making, Design of Product-Process Systems and Technology & Automation.

Within each discipline area this new stream will cover many conceptual and analytical techniques, all supporting fact- and data-based analysis and decision making with the aim of improved product and process performance, economy and sustainability. This stream is designed to help you to learn how to transform a design from a conceptual stage into a prototype and ultimately into a commercially realisable and viable product. This stream focuses on technical as well as commercial aspects and particularly in developing the ability to build a business or commercial case for making engineering related decisions, such as investment in plant, equipment and processes. Although the main emphasis will be on product and process, consideration will also be given to designing compatible and appropriate engineering support services. The stream also emphasises the strategic impact of operations decisions and the interfaces between operations and the other functional areas of organisations, including of course, finance. This stream encompasses the key elements of operations management and investment analysis and pulls them together in a coherent format that allows you to understand the ‘big picture’ as well as ‘the specific details’. It is aimed at integrating the knowledge gained from the mechanical engineering courses you have studied into a framework and process that allows you to implement your designs, solutions and ideas in a commercial environment.

Mechanical engineers have traditionally played the major role in the analysis and design of complex machinery, devices such as actuators and sensors, as well as energy transformation, heat transfer and electro-mechanical processes. In an environment of global competition, sustainability (energy, environment as well as cost and capital), increasingly complex customer requirements and statutory regulations as well as the increasing pace of technological change and new product innovation, it is vital for modern engineers to possess the skills to not only design but equally importantly, implement and realize their designs in the most appropriate way. In this increasingly complex environment, successful organizations – public, private or governmental – need engineers with analytical and diverse skills, especially in integrating technical with commercial and organisational issues, analyses and ultimately solutions. It is the purpose and aim of the Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering stream to equip you with this knowledge and understanding to become a global engineer, indeed a leader, with the ability to apply analytical methods and quality processes to create short and long term value for your organization, your customers, and the community. It encapsulates the key elements of mechanical engineering and combines them with the five core disciplines of manufacturing and industrial engineering.

An engineer trained in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering may be employed in a very flexible and diverse range of disciplines and areas of industrial activity, including; product design, process design, computer aided design, computer aided manufacturing, quality improvement, technical and commercial analysis and decision making, strategic decision making, consulting, sales support, technical and organisational maintenance, and supply chain management.

Stream Structure

This page outlines the core rules for the Manufacturing Engineering Stream when taken as part of a single or dual award. The requirements will total 168 units of credit, in addition to any other requirements outlined on the main program page.

Recommended plans of courses may be found on the School's website

Year 1

Choose ONE of:
And ONE of:
And ONE of:

Plus these following 2 courses:
And ONE of:
Plus choose 2 electives from the Year 1 Elective List

Students without any prior Chemistry should choose CHEM1001. Other students with HSC Chemistry who wish to study Chemistry in more depth should choose CHEM1011.
  1. ENGG1811 is the preferred Computing course for the MANF Stream.
  2. CVEN1300 is considered equivalent to MMAN1300.
  3. Not all courses are offered in both semesters but students should complete 24 UOC in each semester.

The following courses must be taken to complete the stream:

  • 60 days Industrial Training

Study Levels

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