
Law - LAWSA14744

Stream Summary

Faculty: Faculty of Law

School: Faculty of Law


Program: 4744 - Economics / Law


Bachelor of Laws (Major)

View stream information for previous years

Stream Outline

This stream outlines the standard sequence of Law courses which make up the combined Economics/Law program.

Stream Structure

Year 1
Semester 1
  • Economics core course - 6 UOC
  • Economics core course - 6 UOC
  • Economics core course - 6 UOC
Semester 2
  • Economics core course - 6 UOC
  • Economics core course - 6 UOC
  • Economics core course - 6 UOC

Year 2
Semester 1
  • Economics course chosen major - 6 UOC
  • Economics course chosen major - 6 UOC
Semester 2
  • Economics course chosen major - 6 UOC
  • Economics course chosen major - 6 UOC

Year 3
Semester 1
  • Economics course chosen major - 6 UOC
  • Economics course chosen major - 6 UOC
Plus ONE of:
Semester 2
  • Economics course chosen major - 6 UOC
  • Economics course chosen major - 6 UOC
Plus whichever of the following not completed Semester 1, Year 3:

Year 4
Semester 1
  • Economics Course - 6 UOC
Semester 2
  • Economics Course - 6 UOC

Year 5
Semester 1
  • Law Prescribed Elective* - 6 UOC
  • Law Electives - 24 UOC

Semester 2
  • Law Electives - 24 UOC

* Law Prescribed Elective
Choose ONE from the following:
Note: Law students are permitted to complete any TABL course offered in the Bachelor of Economics (Taxation major), with the exception of TABL 1710 and TABL2741, as part of the Economics component of their program but are NOT permitted to complete any other TABL course.

Apart from service courses for other faculties, and unless specified as from which discipline they must be chosen, Commerce and Economics options may be chosen from any taught by UNSW School of Business. No course can be counted both as an option and as a prescribed course.

Study Levels

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