Bus Strategy & Economic Mgmt - ECONI13473

Stream Summary

Faculty: COMM - UNSW Business School

School: School of Economics

Contact:  UNSW Business School Student Centre

Program: 3473 - Music (Honours) / Commerce


Bachelor of Commerce (Major)

Stream Outline

A successful manager seeks to anticipate the strategic behaviour of competitors. A manager must also be able to deal with people’s different motives and with major uncertainties in the decision-making process. Dealing with these issues is the essence of business strategy and economic management. Study in this area provides students with the tools to understand the fundamental economic behaviour that underlies all business decisions. Hence, it allows future managers to make informed decisions throughout their careers.

Strategic decision-making is not only useful for relations with competitors, but for relations with suppliers, customers, business partners, and for the range of relations inside the firm. Employees, managers, shareholders and the board of directors all have different goals, and they behave strategically, not unlike competitors. They also have “incomplete information” about each other: Because employees and managers have complex skills and assignments, others cannot perfectly assess them through performance evaluations. And each employee understands certain aspects of the business and its customers better than others. Economics allows managers and owners to structure divisions, teams and salary packages for employees to gain the highest profits. The flexibility of strategic thinking tools from economics allows a manager to deal with any new situations that arise - be it new research projects, start-up businesses, or business alliances.

Stream Structure

  • A major in Business Strategy and Economic Management consists of 48 UOC (8 courses). Six (6) of these courses are specified; the other two (2) are elective courses that are chosen from the list below. At least one (1) of the elective courses must be at level 3 (i.e. ####3XXX). This is regardless of whether you are doing a single major or taking Business Strategy and Economic Management as a second major.

Compulsory courses

Elective courses

Choose two (2) courses, with at least one being at level 3
ACCT3563 is included for the benefit of students undertaking majors in both Accounting and Business Strategy & Economic Management to allow compliance with the requirements of the professional Accounting bodies. Students with majors in Accounting and Business Strategy & Economic Management may count this course towards the Business Strategy & Economic Management major AND the Accounting major.


Honours level study is also available in Business Strategy and Economic Management.

Students interested in Honours should refer to the Honours stream record for entry requirements.

Further information

Please note that these requirements may be subject to change.
Students are advised to follow requirements according to the year they commenced. Please refer to previous editions of the Online Handbook for your program requirements.

Contact the UNSW Business School Student Centre for advice.
tel: + 61 2 9385 3189
location: Level 1, room 1028, Quadrangle Building
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