Naval Architecture - NAVLAH3764
Stream Summary
Faculty: ENG - Faculty of Engineering
School: School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
Contact: School
Program: 3764 - Engineering (Hons)/Commerce
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Major)
View stream information for previous years
Stream Outline
Naval architects must be conversant with a wide variety of skills, including most forms of engineering and architecture. This is because a ship or a boat must be a completely self-sufficient vehicle containing a number of systems and able to withstand the loads from the sea. Yachts, fishing boats, frigates, ferries, catamarans and pleasure craft are just a few of the types of vessels that are studied during the program.
The Faculty has approved an arrangement whereby students who satisfy the requirements of the first two years of a Mechanical Engineering four year degree program at any Australasian tertiary institution may be admitted to Years 3 and 4 of the program leading to the Bachelor of Engineering degree in Naval Architecture. The proviso is that the Head of the School is satisfied that the courses studied at the other institution are equivalent, and that their recommendation is given.
Stream Structure
Recommended plans of study may be found on the School's Website
Year 1
Choose ONE of:
- MATH1131 Mathematics 1A (6 UOC)
- MATH1141 Higher Mathematics 1A (6 UOC)
- MATH1231 Mathematics 1B (6 UOC)
- MATH1241 Higher Mathematics 1B (6 UOC)
- PHYS1121 Physics 1A (6 UOC)
- PHYS1131 Higher Physics 1A (6 UOC)
- ENGG1000 Engineering Design (6 UOC)
- MMAN1300 Engineering Mechanics (6 UOC)
- COMP1911 Computing 1A (6 UOC)
- COMP1917 Computing 1 (6 UOC)
- ENGG1811 Computing for Engineers (6 UOC)
Some courses in the stream assume prior knowledge of Chemistry equivalent to HSC Chemistry. Students without any prior Chemistry should choose CHEM1001. Other students with HSC Chemistry should choose CHEM1011.
- ENGG1811 is the preferred computing course for the NAVL stream.
- CVEN1300 is considered equivalent toMMAN1300.
- Not all courses are offered in both semesters but students should complete 24 UOC in each semester.
- ELEC1111 Elec & Telecomm Eng (6 UOC)
- MMAN2130 Design and Manufacturing (6 UOC)
- MATH2019 Engineering Mathematics 2E (6 UOC)
- MATH2089 Numerical Methods & Statistics (6 UOC)
- MMAN2100 Engineering Design 2 (6 UOC)
- MMAN2400 Mechanics of Solids 1 (6 UOC)
- MMAN2600 Fluid Mechanics (6 UOC)
- MMAN2700 Thermodynamics (6 UOC)
- MMAN3000 Prof. Eng. and Comm. (6 UOC)
- MMAN3200 Linear Systems and Control (6 UOC)
- MMAN3400 Mechanics of Solids 2 (6 UOC)
- NAVL3120 Ship Design and Propulsion (6 UOC)
- NAVL3410 Ship Structures 1 (6 UOC)
- NAVL3610 Ship Hydrostatics & Practice (6 UOC)
- NAVL3620 Ship Hydrodynamics (6 UOC)
- NAVL3710 Ship Std & Marine Eng (6 UOC)
- MMAN4010 Thesis A (6 UOC)
- MMAN4020 Thesis B (6 UOC)
- NAVL4120 Ship Design Project A (6 UOC)
- NAVL4130 Ship Design Project B (6 UOC)
- 60 days Industrial Training
- 138 UoC of Engineering courses related to this stream and MMAN3000 have to be completed prior to enrolling in MMAN4010 (Thesis A).
- MMAN4010 and MMAN4020 must be undertaken in two consecutive semesters which are the final two semesters of candidature.
- A student must not be enrolled in more than 24 units of credit in any semester involving MMAN4010 and MMAN4020.
- A single thesis project is commenced in MMAN4010 and completed in MMAN4020. MMAN4020 carries the mark for the thesis project.
- MMAN4010 is graded satisfactory (SY)/failure (FL). If a student receives a failure (FL) in MMAN4010, a student cannot proceed with MMAN4020.
- If the project is abandoned during MMAN4020, or if MMAN4020 is failed, a completely new topic must be chosen and the student must enrol again in both MMAN4010 and MMAN4020.