Painting Extension - DRAPB14812
Stream Summary
Faculty: Art&Design
School: School of Art & Design
Program: 4812 - Fine Arts/Arts
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Major)
Stream Outline
Students working in the Painting studio interpret and understand painting as material process, object, concept and discourse, in order to develop their knowledge within the context of contemporary art. They will work from studio conventions, and experiment with contemporary approaches to painting, linking conceptual and material inquiry. Beginning from thematic areas such as materiality, technology, body, space, time and place, students will work towards self-initiated areas of interest. The Painting studio prepares students to develop an independent and internationally focused professional contemporary fine arts practice.
Stream Structure
The Painting Extension Studio consists of 8 courses (48 UOC) from the following list. Students must complete at least two Level 2 courses before proceeding to Level 3 courses.
Level 2
Level 2
Level 3