
Psychology - PSYCAH3930

Stream Summary

Faculty: SCI - Faculty of Science

School: School of Psychology


Program: 3930 - Science/Arts


Bachelor of Science (Honours)

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Stream Outline

In order to become a member of the professional body, the Australian Psychological Society (APS), and for registration as a psychologist in NSW, students first need a university Bachelor degree which includes four years of approved training in psychology.

For enrolments commencing from 2011 onwards, entry into Honours in Psychology requires an average of 75% or higher in Psychology Level I, Level II and Level III courses, although students achieving an average of 70 percent or more may be admitted subject to appropriate research and supervision resources being available and at the discretion of the Head of School.

For details on the required courses and admission to Psychology Honours, students must seek advice from the School of Psychology.

Stream Structure

Enrolment in 48 units of credit (UOC) taken as 24 UOC in two consecutive semesters over a one-year period.
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