
Music Studies (Extension) - MUSCI14812

Stream Summary

Faculty: ARTSC - Faculty of Arts&Social Science

School: School of the Arts and Media


Program: 4812 - Fine Arts/Arts


Bachelor of Arts (Major)

View stream information for previous years

Stream Outline

The major stream in Music Studies (Extension) examines music not only as a human intellectual product, but also as a specific reflection of experience, manifestation of culture and product of society. The disciplinary study of music has as a core the methodologies of Musicology. The major stream in Music Studies (Extension) enables students to develop their musicianship, musical skills and contextual understanding of music in preparation for professional work in music areas as diverse as broadcasting, recording, arts administration and advocacy, concert planning, music and general arts journalism, and music teaching.

The specific aims of the major stream in Music Studies (Extension) are:
  • To develop in the student an awareness of the influence of music in the social, cultural, and political domains of human activity.
  • To nurture in the student an appreciation of the role of music, and its relationship to other disciplines in the Liberal Arts.
  • To establish a solid grounding in the key concepts and skills that form the basis of musical study and practice.
  • To recognise the role of historical, cultural, social and political contexts as fundamental to the study of music practice and criticism.
  • To understand and appreciate a diversity of music forms, values and practices in addition to the Western tradition.
  • To develop a deep awareness of the ethical dimensions of diverse musical practices.
  • To develop research skills and methodologies in documenting, analyzing, synthesizing and communicating information about musical practices and musical contexts.
  • To develop writing and critical skills necessary for the advocacy of music making, music literacy, and music education.

Graduate Attributes

At the end of the stream, students should have acquired all of the following graduate attributes:
  1. Demonstrate cognitive skills that review, analyse, consolidate and synthesize musical knowledge as well as other forms of knowledge.
  2. Respect for ethical practice and social responsibility are fostered through links with the music industry and music communities and discussions of professional practices in theory and practice alike.
  3. High levels of oral and written communication, supported with discipline-based forms of communication such as scores and music performance.
  4. Demonstrate knowledge of research principles and methods in music studies.
  5. Demonstrate communication skills to present a coherent exposition of knowledge and ideas to a variety of audiences.
  6. An appreciation of, and respect for, diversity through participation in and study of diversity of musical practice and thinking.
  7. Capacity for analytical and critical thinking and for creative problem-solving through practical and/or theoretical music studies.
  8. Demonstrate a capacity for self learning and musical leadership in collaborative situations.
  9. Skills required for collaborations and contribution to the international community are developed through ensemble performances, the study of diverse musical styles and practices or the application of technology in musical contexts.
  10. An ability to engage with music in its interdisciplinary context through the study of music history, music ethnography/anthropology, and music technology.
  11. Demonstrate an ability to adapt knowledge and performance skills in diverse musical contexts.
  12. Demonstrate a broad and detailed understanding of Western music literature and the musical-theoretical concepts that underpin it.
  13. The skills involved in scholarly enquiry, such as information literacy, critical analysis, and writing.
  14. The skills to locate, evaluate and use relevant information.
  15. An in-depth engagement with discipline-specific knowledge, such as, score reading and writing skills, inner hearing, music theory, repertoire knowledge and music technologies.

Stream Structure

The major stream in Music Studies (Extension) is for students with more extensive formal music training, and who wish to complete their music degree concurrently with a Bachelor of Education.

Students intending to complete the major stream in Music Studies (Extension) must complete 54 units of credit. At level 1 students must complete 12 UOC consisting of the core courses, Materials & Structures of Music 1 and Western Music: a Panorama. At Level 2 students complete 18 UOC of core courses: Sound, Society and Self in World Music; Materials and Structures of Music 2; and Advanced Studies in Music History and Culture 1. At level 3 students complete 24 UOC of core courses, namely, Materials and Structures 3, Performance Laboratory 1 & 2, and Music Technology and Composition in lieu of the Capstone course in order to meet the accreditation requirements of NSW Institute of Teachers.

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3
Studying Music at UNSW

Study Levels

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