
Law - LAWSA14765

Stream Summary

Faculty: Faculty of Law

School: Faculty of Law


Program: 4765 - International Studies / Law


Bachelor of Laws (Major)

View stream information for previous years

Stream Outline

This stream outlines the standard sequence of Law courses which make up the combined International Studies/Law programs.

For detailed outlines of International Studies major stream sequences please check the following links:

ASIAA14765 Asian Studies
EUROA14765 European Studies
GLSTB14765 Globalisation Studies
IBUSA14765 International Business Studies
IRELA14765 International Relations
COMDD14765 Development Studies
CHIND14765 Advanced Chinese Studies
CHINC14765 Chinese Studies
FRENBA4765 Advanced French Studies
FRENC14765 French Studies
GERSE14765 German Studies
JAPNB14765 Advanced Japanese Studies
JAPNC14765 Japanese Studies
KOREB14765 Advanced Korean Studies
KOREA14765 Korean Studies

Stream Structure

Year 1

Semester 1
  • International Studies Course (6 UOC)
  • International Studies Course (6 UOC)

Semester 2
  • International Studies Course (6 UOC)
  • International Studies Course (6 UOC)
  • International Studies Prescribed Elective (6 UOC)

Year 2

Semester 1
  • International Studies Course (6 UOC)
  • International Studies Course (6 UOC)

Semester 2
  • International Studies Course (6 UOC)
  • International Studies Course (6 UOC)

Year 3

Semester 1
  • International Studies Course (6 UOC)
  • International Studies Course (6 UOC)
Plus ONE of:

Semester 2
  • International Studies Overseas Exchange (24 UOC)

Year 4

Semester 1
  • International Studies Overseas Exchange (24 UOC)

Semester 2
  • International Studies Course (6 UOC)
Plus whichever of the following not completed Semester 1, Year 3:

Year 5

Semester 1
  • International Studies Course (6 UOC)

Semester 2
  • International Studies Course (6 UOC)

Year 6

Semester 1
  • Law Prescribed Elective* (6 UOC)
  • Law Electives (18 UOC)

Semester 2
  • Law Electives (24 UOC)
*Law Prescribed Elective
Choose ONE of the following:

All International Studies/Law students must complete one of the following courses:
This then double counts against ARTS2240 and a Law Elective. Dual degree students will therefore not be required to enrol in ARTS2240. They will need to make up the missing 6UOC in International Studies by enrolling in a Prescribed International Studies Elective:
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Study Levels

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