
International Business - IBUSA14765

Stream Summary

Faculty: Faculty of Law

School: School of Management

Contact:  Australian School of Business Student Centre

Program: 4765 - International Studies / Law


Bachelor of International Studies (Major)

View stream information for previous years

Stream Outline

  • A major in International Business consists of 48 UOC (8 courses). Five (5) of these courses are specified; the other three (3) are elective courses that are chosen from the list below. At least one (1) of the elective courses needs to be at level 3 (MGMT3XXX).
  • A minor in International Business consists of 30 UOC (5 courses) containing the following courses: MGMT1101, MGMT2101, MGMT2102, MGMT3102 and STRE3101. The minor does not form part of the nominated major.

Stream Structure

Compulsory courses

Elective courses
All students must complete two sesmesters of Overseas Study Program across Semester 2 of Level Three and Semester 1 of Level 4
INST3101 Overseas Study Program A (24 uoc)
INST3102 Overseas Study Program B (24 uoc)


Honours level study is available for International Business students.
Students interested in studying at Honours Level should refer to the relevant Honours stream record for entry requirements.

Further Information

Please note that these requirements may be subject to change.
Students are advised to follow requirements according to the year they commenced. Please refer to previous editions of the Online Handbook for your program requirements.

Contact the Australian School of Business Student Centre for advice.
tel: + 61 2 9385 3189
location: Level 1, room 1028, Quadrangle Building
Forms, policies and procedures
Frequently asked questions

Study Levels

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