
Chemical Engineering - CEICK13941

Stream Summary

Faculty: Faculty of Science

School: School of Chemical Engineering


Program: 3941 - Advanced Science / Engineering


Bachelor of Engineering (Major)

View stream information for previous years

Stream Outline

The Faculty of Engineering and the The Faculty of Science offer a dual degree program which qualifies students for two degrees after the equivalent of six years of successful full-time study leading to the award of the degrees Bachelor of Science (Advanced) and Bachelor of Engineering.

The Faculty of Science administers the program, and delegates administration of the Bachelor of Engineering requirements to the School which offers the Engineering discipline selected. Students should seek advice from the Faculty of Science regarding their Advanced Science program, and the relevant Engineering School Office, or the Faculty of Engineering regarding their Engineering program.

Stream Structure

To satisfy the 168 units of credit for the Chemical Engineering Stream students should follow the requirements of the single BE (Chemical Engineering) Program 3040, minus:
  • 12 UOC General Education
  • 12 UOC of Electives

Study Levels

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