
Naval Architecture - NAVLA14778

Stream Summary

Faculty: Faculty of Law

School: School of Mech & Manf. Eng


Program: 4778 - Engineering / Law


Bachelor of Engineering (Major)

Information valid for students commencing 2013.
Students who commenced prior to 2013 should go to the Handbook's Previous Editions

Stream Outline

The Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Law offer a dual degree program which qualifies students for two degrees after the equivalent of six and a half years of successful full-time study leading to the award of the degrees Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Laws (BE LLB).

Stream Structure

To satisfy the 168 units of credit for the Naval Architecture Stream students should follow the requirements of the single BE (Naval Architecture)
Program 3710 minus:
  • 12 UOC General Education
  • 12 UOC Electives
For detailed recommended program of study please see the School website Mechancial Engineering.

Study Levels

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