
Pure Mathematics - MATHP13933

Stream Summary

Faculty: SCI - Faculty of Science

School: School of Mathematics and Statistics


Program: 3933 - Advanced Mathematics/Arts


Bachelor of Science (Advanced Mathematics) (Major)

Information valid for students commencing 2013.
Students who commenced prior to 2013 should go to the Handbook's Previous Editions

Stream Outline

Pure Mathematics is the study of the essential structures of mathematics. Work by pure mathematicians underpins most of the technological advances of this century. Pure Mathematics is concerned with problems and techniques which transcend specific applications. Research, focussing on the development of existing theories or the creation of new ones, may be driven by applications or by the internal demands of the discipline.

Pure Mathematics courses provide the insights and understanding required by those using mathematics, leading to mastery of the fundamental processes of mathematical science and the capacity for innovative applications in any area.

Stream Structure

A major in Pure Mathematics is comprised of 84 units of credit of courses as follows:

Stage 1
  • 6 UOC of level I Computer Science

Stage 2
  • 6 UOC further level II or III Mathematics course

Stage 3
  • 12 UOC level III Mathematics courses chosen with the approval of the Head of School of Mathematics and Statistics or nominee

Recommended Electives

The following courses are not required for this major, but are recommened as good complementary courses when students are selecting electives.


For information regarding Honours in Pure Mathematics, please see the Mathematics Honours plan, and consult with staff from the School of Mathematics and Statistics
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