
Physical Oceanography - MATHN13937

Stream Summary

Faculty: SCI - Faculty of Science

School: School of Mathematics and Statistics


Program: 3937 - Science/Social Rsch & Policy


Bachelor of Science (Major)

Information valid for students commencing 2013.
Students who commenced prior to 2013 should go to the Handbook's Previous Editions

Stream Outline

The study of Physical Oceanography involves an understanding of the mathematical equations that describe fluid flow, and how these are used in the context of the ocean. It also explores ocean measurement and the numerical modelling of processes at various scales.

Stream Structure

A major in Physical Oceanography is comprised of 66 units of credit of courses as follows:

Stage 1
Students are also strongly recommended to take MATH1081 Discrete Mathematics (6UOC)

Stage 2
  • Plus 3 UOC additional MATH or PHYS course.
Recommended elective (this course is not required but is recommended as a good complementary course for this major):

Stage 3


For further information on Honours in Physical Oceanography please see the Physical Oceanography Honours plan and consult the School of Mathematics and Statistics.
red centre

Study Levels

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