
Manufacturing Eng & Management - MANFA13710

Stream Summary

Faculty: ENG - Faculty of Engineering

School: School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering


Program: 3710 - Mechanical & Manufacturing Eng


Bachelor of Engineering (Major)

Information valid for students commencing 2013.
Students who commenced prior to 2013 should go to the Handbook's Previous Editions

Stream Outline

The Manufacturing Engineering and Management stream is designed for students with engineering ability whose interests lie in the planning, development and control of manufacturing or service operations.
In the Manufacturing Engineering and Management courses the problems associated with the practical economics of manufacturing operations are stressed. The aim is to provide students with the education necessary to carry out an industrial job and to examine it critically in the light of economic efficiency.

Traditional engineering programs do not embrace the problems which are characteristic of Manufacturing Engineering and Management. These problems include the analysis of a product to ensure satisfactory functioning with regard to methods and sequence of manufacturing operations; the disposition of buildings and of equipment within them to permit efficient handling of materials; the avoidance of bottlenecks; the related problems of quality and cost control, testing and inspection; labour and personnel relations; and, finally, the problem of distribution and sales.

The financial and economic aspects are studied as the problem in manufacturing has not been solved until the final translation of the product into money has been accomplished successfully. While it is not intended to develop an expert in accounting practice or ergonomics, it is intended to produce an engineer with an appreciation of the problems of cost and one who can apply considerations of ultimate economy to all industrial problems. The techniques of operations research may be applied here, where mathematical models of real-life situations are constructed and manipulated to yield optional solutions as guides to management.

An engineer trained in Manufacturing Engineering and Management may initially be employed in any one of the following major areas of industrial activity; industrial economic analysis; planning and control of production; product and process design; methods engineering; operations research.

Stream Structure

Students who enrolled before 2012 should follow the stream at MANFA13710

Recommended plans of study may be found on the School's Website

Year 1
Choose ONE of:
And ONE of:
And ONE of:
Plus these following 2 courses:

And ONE of:
Plus choose 2 electives from the Year 1 Elective List

Some courses in the stream assume prior knowledge of Chemistry equivalent to HSC Chemistry. Students without any prior Chemistry should choose CHEM1001. Other students with HSC Chemistry should choose CHEM1011.
  1. ENGG1811 is recommended for the MANF Stream
  2. CVEN1300 is an acceptable alternative for MMAN1300
  3. Not all courses are offered in both semesters but students should complete 24 UOC in each semester.

The following courses must be taken to complete the Stream:

Study Levels

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