Statistics - MATHTH3726

Plan Summary

Faculty: SCI - Faculty of Science
Program: 3726 - Computer Engineering/Science
Bachelor of Science (Honours)

Plan Outline

This plan is for Honours in Statistics.

Statistics is the science and art of using factual material for modelling and inference. Its mathematical foundations are in the theory of probability and it deals with how to estimate and make decisions using
knowledge which is uncertain or observational material which is subject to error. There is a rich interplay of ideas between the theory of statistics and fields such as engineering, medicine and biological and behavioural sciences where statistical problems constantly arise.

Plan Structure

Stage 1 Courses
  • Courses totalling 6 units of credit from Science Schools other than Mathematics
  • Elective courses totalling 18 units of credit
  • One General Education course totalling 3 units of credit
Stage 2 Courses
  • Elective courses totalling 6 units of credit
  • One General Education course totalling 3 units of credit
Choose one from:
Stage 3 Courses
  • Level 3 Statistics courses totalling 6 units of credit
  • Further Mathematics courses totalling 12 units of credit
  • Elective courses totalling 6 units of credit
  • General Education courses totalling 6 units of credit
Stage 4 (Honours) Courses

Choose one from: