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Food Science and Nutrition - FOODD13060

Plan Summary

Faculty: Faculty of Engineering
Program: 3060 - Food Science and Technology
Bachelor of Science (Major)

Plan Outline

Program Description
This program is designed to provide depth and breadth in the relevant physical and biological sciences on which food science and technology is based. It is strongly recommended that students obtain, before the completion of the program and during recess periods, as much professionally oriented or industrial experience as possible. The BSc program in Food Science and Technology, and in Food Science and Nutrition (3060) is Pass or Honours, the level of which is determined by academic performance in Stages 1-4 according to a formula determined by the Faculty.

Plan Structure

Program Structure – Food Science and Nutrition Plan
Year 1

* BABS1201 Molecules, Cells and Genes (6 UOC)
* FOOD1120 Introduction to Food Science (6 UOC)
* FOOD1130 The Food industry (6 UOC)
* MATH1031 Mathematics for Life Sciences (6 UOC)
* MATH1041 Stats for Life & Soc Sciences (6 UOC)
* PHYS1111 Fundamentals of Physics (6 UOC)

And ONE of:
* CHEM1011 Fundamentals of Chem 1A (6 UOC)
* CHEM1031 Higher Chemistry 1C (6 UOC)

And ONE of:
* CHEM1021 Fundamentals of Chem 1B (6 UOC)
* CHEM1041 Higher Chemistry 1D (6 UOC)

Year 2
* BIOC2181 Fundamentals of Biochemistry (6 UOC)
* BIOC2291 Fundamentals of Molecular Biol (6 UOC)
* CHEM2921 Food Chemistry 1 (6 UOC)
* FOOD1230 Food Choice (6 UOC)
* MICR2201 Fundmt of Microbiol & Immuno (6 UOC)
* PHPH2101 Physiology 1A
* PHPH2201 Physiology 1B
* General Education courses (6 units of credit)

Year 3
* INDC2003 Industrial Chemistry Laboratory 1
* FOOD1370 Food Preservation: Principles (6 UOC)
* FOOD1390 Product Design and Development (6 UOC)
* FOOD2320 Food Microbiology (6 UOC)
* FOOD2330 Quality Assurance and Control (6 UOC)
* FOOD2340 Food Safety (6 UOC)
* FOOD3220 Nutrition (6 UOC)
* FOOD3440 Advanced Nutrition (6 UOC)

Year 4
Stream A

* FOOD5400 Industry Liaison (6 UOC)
* FOOD1490 Advanced Food Chemistry (6 UOC)
* FOOD1400 Project (6 UOC) OR
* FOOD1480 Minor Project (6 UOC)
* 6 UOC of General Education

For students taking FOOD1400 project, you must complete this over 2 Semesters (12 UOC) and complete 18 UOC of electives.
For students taking FOOD1480 project (6UOC), you must complete 24 UOC of electives.

Stream B: Industry Module Program
* FOOD5400 Industry Liaison (6 UOC)
* FOOD5410 Industry Practicum (24 UOC)
* Plus Electives totalling 12 UOC
* 6 UOC of General Education

Elective list:
* BIOT3011 Biotechnology A (6 UOC)
* BIOT3021 Biotechnology B (6 UOC)
* BIOT3071 Commercial Biotech (6 UOC)
* ECON1101 Microeconomics 1 (6 UOC)
* ECON1102 Macroeconomics 1 (6 UOC)
* FOOD2350 Forensic Food Science (6 UOC)
* FOOD2360 Food Toxicology (6 UOC)
* FOOD2480 Advanced Food Microbiology (6 UOC)
* FOOD2500 Food Diagnostics (6 UOC)
* FOOD4450 Advanced Food Processing (6 UOC)
* INFS1603 Business Data Management (6 UOC)
* MARK1012 Marketing Fundamentals (6 UOC)

Or such other electives as approved by the Head of School. Note that not all electives will run every year.

During Stages 3 and 4 of the program, excursions are made to various food industries. Detailed reports of some of these visits may be required.

Food Science and Nutrition Plan above reflected the differences with Food Science and Technology plan in the following substitutions:
* PHPH2101 Physiology 1A replaces FOOD1360 Food Processing Principles in year 2
* PHPH2201 Physiology 1B replaces 6UOC of General Education courses in year 2
* FOOD3440 Advanced Nutrition replaces FOOD1380 Unit Operations in Food Processes in year 3
* 6UOC of General Education replaces one of the electives in year 4

General Education Requirements
Students in this program must satisfy the General Education requirements. In total students have to do 12 UOC of General Education course under program 3060.
For further information, please refer to "General Education" in the Table of Contents (see left-hand side of page).

Academic Rules
Please refer to Program Structure and contact the School of Chemical Sciences and Engineering for the Academic Requirements relating to this program.
Internal transfer is permitted from this program to the 3970 Bachelor of Science program.

Further Information
During Stages 3 and 4 of the program, excursions are made to various food industries. Detailed reports of some of these visits may be required.

Professional Recognition
Graduates of this program may qualify for membership of the Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology, the US Institute of Food Technologists, the Royal Australian Chemical Institute or the Nutrition Society of Australia, depending on specialisation.

The program provides basic preparation for food science and technology careers in the food industry, the public sector, education, research, the food service industry, public health, management and marketing. Graduates may also find careers in health and environmental sciences, management of food resources and food wastes, and communication, and in areas such as dietetics after further training.

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© The University of New South Wales (CRICOS Provider No.: 00098G), 2004-2011. The information contained in this Handbook is indicative only. While every effort is made to keep this information up-to-date, the University reserves the right to discontinue or vary arrangements, programs and courses at any time without notice and at its discretion. While the University will try to avoid or minimise any inconvenience, changes may also be made to programs, courses and staff after enrolment. The University may also set limits on the number of students in a course.