The University of New South Wales

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Undergraduate Handbook

Food Science - FOODH13930

Plan Summary

Faculty: Faculty of Science
Program: 3930 - Science/Arts
Bachelor of Science (Major)

Plan Outline

For further information on plan requirements and availability, please contact the school. A direct link is given above.

Plan Structure

Total Units = 192
84UOC from Science
84UOC from Arts
remaining 24UOC from either

At least 24UOC but not more than 36UOC Level 1 courses from either Program

Requirements for Bachelor of Science component
Level 1 Science units in Food Science Major = 36UOC
BABS1201- Molecules, Cells & Genes
CHEM1011- Chemistry 1A
CHEM1021- Chemistry 1B
FOOD1120 - Intro to Food Science
FOOD1130 - Food Industry
MATH1041- Statistics

Level 2 and Level 3 Major component = 42UOC
FOOD1230- Food Choice
FOOD1370- Food Preservations
FOOD2320- Food Microbiology
CHEM2921- Food Chemistry
FOOD1360- Food Processing Principles
FOOD1390- Product Design and Development
FOOD2330- Quality Assurance and Control
FOOD2340- Food Safety

Plus 2 of the following
BIOC2181- Fundamentals of Biochemistry
FOOD1380- Unit Operation in Food Processing
FOOD1580- Advanced Food Chemistry
FOOD2350- Forensic Food science
FOOD3220- Nutrition
FOOD4450- Advanced Food Processing
FOOD3440- Advanced Nutrition
INDC2003- Instrumental Analysis

Total 78UOC + 1 more science elective at Level 2 or Level 3
Total 84UOC

This information is intended only as a guide

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© The University of New South Wales (CRICOS Provider No.: 00098G), 2004-2011. The information contained in this Handbook is indicative only. While every effort is made to keep this information up-to-date, the University reserves the right to discontinue or vary arrangements, programs and courses at any time without notice and at its discretion. While the University will try to avoid or minimise any inconvenience, changes may also be made to programs, courses and staff after enrolment. The University may also set limits on the number of students in a course.