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 Mining Engineering/MEngSc - MINEP13140

Plan Summary

Faculty: Faculty of Engineering
Program: 3140 - Mining Engineering
Bachelor of Engineering (Major)

Plan Outline

Students may undertake a four and one half years (10 semesters) full-time combined program leading to the awards of a Bachelor of Engineering and a Master of Engineering in Mining Engineering.

Plan Structure

Students undertake the first three years (six semesters) of the BE program in Mining Engineering. Subject to satisfying a minimum performance over these three years (see Program Rules below), they must:
(a) substitute 12 UOC in the standard Yr4 BE degree program with a School approved 12 UOC of graduate coursework in their 4th year;
(b) undertake a 12 UOC project/thesis work over the Summer (9th) Semester; and
(c) undertake 24 UOC of graduate coursework in the tenth semester (first half of their 5th year).

Year 1 to Year 3
Same as Program3140

Year 4
Mining Management Specialisation Option
And ONE of:
Plus General Education (3 units of credit)


Mining Geomechanics Specialisation Option
And ONE of:
Plus General Education (3 units of credit)

MINE8140,8210,8220 and 8760 are presented in block format - contact School for further details.

Year 5

Year 5 (Summer Session)
Graduate Project 12 UOC

Year 5 Session 1
During Session 1, students undertake four 6 UOC Mining MEng Sc courses according to their specialisation subject to timetabling constraints.

Academic Rules

  1. The minimum duration of the program is 4.5 years (including a summer semester at the end of the 4th year) leading to the award of the two degrees Bachelor of Engineering (BE) and Master of Engineering Science (MEngSc). In the School of Computer Science and Engineering, the award is Bachelor of Engineering (BE) and Master of Information Technology (MIT).
  2. Students must study all courses in the sequence approved by the Faculty of Engineering and are not permitted to enrol in any graduate course until the first six semesters of the program are successfully completed.
  3. A minimum average of 65% in the first 3 years of the BE program is required for consideration for entry to the fast track degree program.
  4. Honours grading for the BE degree will be based on performance in the first 4 years of study, with course weightings in accordance with School guidelines. The 12 units of credit of graduate coursework undertaken in Year 4 are thus counted for both degrees.
  5. Normal Student Contributions/fees apply to the first 8 semesters of the program (including the 12 units of credit of MEngSc courses completed in Year 4) consistent with other undergraduate programs within the Faculty. Fees for the remaining 36 units of credit of the MEngSc program will be 75% of the current fee for the standard 48 units of credit MEngSc.

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