Manuf Eng & Mngt/MEngSc - MANFL13710 |
Plan Summary
Students may undertake a 4.5 years (10 semesters) full-time fast-track program leading to the awards of a Bachelor of Engineering and a Master of Engineering Science in Manufacturing Engineering and Management.
Students undertake the first three years (6 semesters) of the BE program in Manufacturing Engineering and Management. Subject to satisfying a minimum performance over these three years, they:
(a) substitute 12 units of credit of the standard 4th year BE degree program with a School approved 12 units of credit of graduate coursework in their 4th year; (b) undertake 12 units of credit of project/thesis work over the Summer (9th) semester; and (c) undertake 24 units of credit of graduate coursework in the 10th semester (first half of their 5th year). Years 1, 2 and 3 (MANFA13710)
Students in Years 1 and 2 are enrolled in the standard single degree Manufacturing Engineering and Management plan MANFA13710 within program 3710.
MANFA13710 Year 4 (plan MANFL13710)
In Year 4, students transfer to the special plan MANFL13710 within program 3710. Compared to the standard plan for Session 1 of Year 4, the postgraduate course MANF9471 Manufacturing Strategy is substituted for MANF4440 Strategic ManufacturingManagement and for MANF4500 Computers in Manufacturing 2. In Session 2, the postgraduate course MANF9340 Factory Automationis substituted for MANF4300 Design of Manufacturing Facilities 2.
8710 Manufacturing Engineering and Management
After Year 4, students having completed their engineering program, change to MEngSc program 8710.
Summer Session between Year 4 and Year 5
Students undertake a 12 Units of Credit project, MANF9010.
Year 5
24 Units of Credit of courses are selected from the School's postgraduate courses. It is suggested that consideration be given to the courses making up the Manufacturing Engineering and Management specialisation plans outlined in the Postgraduate Handbook. Attribution of a specialisation on the Master of Engineering Science testamur may not be possible if project MANF9010 has been taken instead of certain courses. Consult the School for direction on this matter.