Physics - PHYSB13972 |
Plan Summary
This plan is for a major in Physics within the Advanced Science program.
Stage 1
PLUS One of the following courses:
PLUS One of the following courses:
PLUS One of the following courses:
One of the following courses:
Stage 2
PLUS One of the following courses:
Stage 3
PLUS One of the following courses:
PLUS One of the following courses:
PLUS both:
(Students interested in Biophysics may replace PHYS3050 (or PHYS3060) with PHYS3410 provided CHEM1011, CHEM1021, BIOS1101 and BIOS1201 are completed in Stage 1 and BIOC2101 and BIOC2201 are taken in Stage 2.)
Two of the following courses:
Stage 4
Choose one of the following:
For MATH1141, MATH1241 and MATH2520, students are encouraged to select Higher Level Mathematics courses where applicable.