Practice: Development - PLAN3004
This Practice course is intended to provide students with a framework for critically reflecting upon and developing their understanding of the planner's role in the process of urban development. Reflecting the breadth of different tasks and projects students may encounter during the Practice Year, the range of case studies students will draw upon will be equally wide-ranging. For some, engagement with development processes may be primarily at the strategic level; others it may be direct involvement in Development Assessment and decision-making processes tied to a range of projects; others may be working directly with and for the development industry. In all cases, Practice provides the opportunity to draw together and critically reflect upon the processes at play and the different often, challenging frameworks within decisions get made. This course encourages students to build upon their introduction to strategic and statutory planning processes from PLAN2001, PLAN2005 and PLAN2006 to catalogue core skills, engaging with the detail while relating back to broader perspectives - at the planning/development interface.