Quantum Physics - PHYS2111
Quantum mechanics is cornerstone of modern physics, and deals with physical phenomena on microscopic scales. This first course in quantum mechanics will provide students with a broad and comprehensive introduction and a foundation for further study. Topics to be covered include: Fundamental Constants. Interference. Particle-wave duality. Double-slit experiment. De Broglie relation. Schroedinger Equation. Principle of superposition. Probability and probability current. Copenhagen interpretation. Searches for violation of Quantum Mechanics. Stationary states. Time-independent Schrodinger Equation. Infinite square well. Spectrum and localization. 1D scattering problem. Scattering from finite square well. Notion of deep and shallow level. Bound states in a finite square well. Dirac delta-function. Double well potential with delta functions: Two-level system, Ammonia maser. Harmonic oscillator. General mathematical structure of Quantum Mechanics and formalism. Commutators. Relation to Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Time-dependent Schroedinger Equation. Time dependence of expectation value. Ehrenfest theorem. Semiclassical approximation. Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization.