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Advanced Media Issues - ARTS3091

Campus: Kensington Campus
Career: Undergraduate
Units of Credit: 6
EFTSL: 0.12500 (more info)
Indicative Contact Hours per Week: 3
Enrolment Requirements:
Prerequisite: 24 units of credit in the Media, Culture and Technology stream or 24 units of credit in the Media Core component of a Media degree program
CSS Contribution Charge:Band 1 (more info)
Further Information: See Class Timetable


Subject Area: Media, Culture and Technology

New media technologies challenge many of the givens of cultural and social practices. At the same time, new cultural and social uses of media challenge much traditional thinking about media. You will explore the nature of increasingly dynamic media technologies, and the new cultural and social practices alongside which media technologies evolve. You will consider key contemporary ideas about media, cultural and social change. Students will undertake guided and self-directed research. Topics examined could include: digital and networked media of all kinds; immersive, interactive or augmented media "realities"; data sharing; the impact of media technology take up in key cultural and social practices, for example health, education, art and design, government, new forms of community, or sciences such as climatology, neuroscience or genetics.

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