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Research Project in Business 3 - ZBUS3902
 ADFA Students

Campus: University College Campus
Career: Undergraduate
Units of Credit: 6
EFTSL: 0.12500 (more info)
Indicative Contact Hours per Week: 2
Enrolment Requirements:
Prerequisite: Enrolment in Program 4462. School Consent required.
Fee Band: 3 (more info)
Further Information: See Class Timetable


Students will undertake a research project on a nominated topic in a specific discipline area that is commensurate with Year 3 study. As one of the aims of the program is to further develop critical thinking and independent research skills, the project will involve "hands-on" research experience in collaboration with a staff member or members. A supervisor, who will work closely with the student, will manage each project. The research project will be chosen after discussion between the student and the supervisor. Students will be expected to present a short introductory seminar on the topic in approximately week 4 of the session, and final assessment will be based on a written paper and oral presentation. In appropriate cases, approval may be sought to combine Research Project in Business 3 with Research Project in Business 2 to form a single, year-long project.

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© The University of New South Wales (CRICOS Provider No.: 00098G), 2004-2011. The information contained in this Handbook is indicative only. While every effort is made to keep this information up-to-date, the University reserves the right to discontinue or vary arrangements, programs and courses at any time without notice and at its discretion. While the University will try to avoid or minimise any inconvenience, changes may also be made to programs, courses and staff after enrolment. The University may also set limits on the number of students in a course.