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Architecture of Software Systems - COMP9117
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Campus: Kensington Campus
Career: Undergraduate
Units of Credit: 6
EFTSL: 0.12500 (more info)
Indicative Contact Hours per Week: 3
Enrolment Requirements:
Prerequisite: COMP3141 and [COMP3131 or SENG3020] and 65 WAM.
Fee Band: 2 (more info)
Further Information: See Class Timetable


Principal architectural issues associated with the design and construction of large scale software systesm. Study and evaluation of several well-known and frequently used architectural styles, patterns and frameworks. Study of pipes and filters, layered systems, distributed object-oriented systems, component-based systems, etc. The course will also examine the practical applicability of architecture research, specifically its relationship to the work in software reuse and component interopability of platforms such as J2EE, Microsoft, NET and CORBA. Case studies and exercises will be used to illustrate the architectural issues.
Note/s: This course is available to students in CSE programs only. There are a limited number of places.

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