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 Clinical Optometry 3C - OPTM3204
 Science students
Contact: Asper,Lisa Jean
Campus: Kensington Campus
Career: Undergraduate
Units of Credit: 8
EFTSL: 0.167 (more info)
Contact Hours per Week: 8
Enrolment Requirements:
Prerequisite: OPTM3102, OPTM3108, PSYC3516; Corequisite: OPTM3203, OPTM3209, PHPH3302.
Session Offered: See Class Timetable
Fee Band: 3 (more info)


Objectives: To produce a student with professional attitude and good communication skills who has the ability to integrate scientific and clinical aspects of optometry and make well-reasoned decisions while undertaking patient care at the UNSW Optometry Clinic under supervision of a registered optometrist. To advance student knowledge in and to stimulate students' interest in optometric subspecialties such as low vision, binocular vision and contact lenses. Brief Curriculum: Lectures, tutorials, and practical classes will deal with : contact lenses - complications, clinical management, special applications and advanced topics; binocular vision - case analysis, diagnosis and management of strabismus and amblyopia, aniseikonia and related topics; low vision rehabilitation - epidemiology of visual impairment, the low vision examination, survey of current low vision aids, adaptive technology, the multidisciplinary model.

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