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 Honours in Physical Geography Research Project 12uoc - GEOS4416
 The Red Centre promenade
Campus: Kensington Campus
Career: Undergraduate
Units of Credit: 12
EFTSL: 0.250 (more info)
Contact Hours per Week: 0
Session Offered: See Class Timetable
Fee Band: 2 (more info)


A 12 UOC research project in physical geography to be completed within a single session.

Note/s: Plus BEES4511, and 18 UOC from BEES4521, Stage 3 courses in physical Geography (GEOS) not completed previously or other science courses at Stages 2 to 4 (not completed previously) approved by the Honours coordinator. Entry requires the completion of Stages 1-3 of Advanced Science study plans in Geoscience, completion of Stages 1-3 of the Environmental Science degree or a Major in Physical Geography or Earth Environmental Science with a Credit average or better in stage 3 Physical Geography courses.

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