Data Analysis for Life and Earth Sciences - BEES2041

Contact: McMurtrie,Ross Edward
Campus: Kensington Campus
Career: Undergraduate
Units of Credit: 6
EFTSL: 0.125 (more info)
Contact Hours per Week: 5
Enrolment Requirements:
Excluded: BIOS2041, SLSP2001, GEOG2101, MATH2801, MATH2829, MATH2831, MATH2839, MATH2841, MATH2859, MATH2899, MATH2901, MATH2931, ECON2241
Session Offered: See Class Timetable
Fee Band: 2 (more info)


Development of skills in applying statistics to biological, earth and spatial data; design and analysis of experiments in life and earth sciences; sampling strategies for estimating sample size; analysis of community and environment structure using multivariate statistics; simulation modelling in population biology, and statistical fitting of non-linear models to population growth data; correlation and both simple and multiple regression; improving statistical models using analysis of residuals; analysis of spatial data.

Examples are drawn from ecological, geographical, earth, behavioural, genetic, microbial and immunological data. Practical work emphasises problem-solving and hands-on experience with EXCEL, MINITAB and other specialist software.

Assumed Knowledge: MATH1041