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 Whiteness Beyond Colour: Identity and Difference - SOCA3210
School:  Nura Gili (Indigenous Progrms)
Contact: Green,Susan Margaret Kim
Campus: Kensington Campus
Career: Undergraduate
Units of Credit: 6
Contact Hours per Week: 3
Enrolment Requirements:
Prerequisite: 36 units of credit; Excluded: ATSI3005
Offered: Semester 1 2005
Fee Band: 1


Whiteness is generally assumed to be the norm in classifying difference. It is also assumed to be neutral. Delves into whiteness as a mode of identification and whether it can be assumed to be the norm as well as neutral. Topics include whiteness as Other, whiteness as a non-Indigenous identity, and whiteness in coloniser societies. Explorations of whiteness as a representation of oppression and as transformation will be addressed.

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