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 Negotiation Skills - MGMT3721
 Students studying
School:  School of Organisation & Mgmt
Contact: Sheldon,Peter
Campus: Kensington Campus
Career: Undergraduate
Units of Credit: 6
Contact Hours per Week: 3
Offered: Semester 1 2005
Fee Band: 2


This course provides a set of generic concepts and skills for negotiation and resolving interpersonal and inter-group conflicts. Students gain the opportunity to work with theory, skills and processes of negotiation relevant to a wide range of contexts: commercial; organisational; community; political and public policy; legal; and industrial relations. This course will provide an analytical understanding of negotiations, including negotiation planning, strategy and tactics, as well as the development of the practical skills necessary for implementation of this knowledge. Students will gain these practical skills through participation in negotiation seminars. The seminar programme is made up of negotiation role play exercises which develop in complexity as the course progresses.

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