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 Labour History - MGMT2715
 Science students
School:  School of Organisation & Mgmt
Campus: Kensington Campus
Career: Undergraduate
Units of Credit: 6
Contact Hours per Week: 3
Enrolment Requirements:
Prerequisite: IROB1701 or IROB1702 or IROB1712 or MGMT1701 or MGMT1702 or MGMT1712
Offered: To be advised
Fee Band: 2


Exclusion: Aust2017. Focuses on the transformation of working life in nineteenth and twentieth century Australia and changes in management. Considers the origins and development of the Australian labour movement and laborism. Themes covered include the nature and purpose of historical inquiry and research methods; the origins and development of labour markets and trade unions; the emergence of working class culture and consciousness; the influence of gender, race, ethnicity and locality on worker outlook and agency; worker political mobilisation and the rise of party politics; the role of the state in industrial relations; and the impact of radical ideologies; immigrant and Aboriginal workers and the role of women in paid employment. (NB: This course is only offered once every two years. Please refer to School website for in terms of availability).

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