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 Industrial Relations - MGMT1701
 The Quad
School:  School of Organisation & Mgmt
Contact: O'Brien,John Michael
Campus: Kensington Campus
Career: Undergraduate
Units of Credit: 6
Contact Hours per Week: 3
Offered: Semester 2 2005
Fee Band: 2


Provides a multi-disciplinary introduction to a range of important concepts and issues in Australian industrial relations. Topics include: political, social, economic, legal, historical and psychological aspects of the evolution and operation of modern industrial relations; the nature and implications of strikes, lockouts and other forms of industrial conflict and alienation; the structure and policies of State and Federal trade unions, the State labor councils and such peak organisations as the Australian Council of Trade Unions; the employer industrial relations function, management strategies and the structure and policies of employer associations; processes of work rule determination, such as collective bargaining, mediation, conciliation and compulsory arbitration; labour movements; and the role of the various arbitration tribunals and government instrumentalities with respect to industrial relations.

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